31| Pain and Emotions

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Edit - The previous chapter question was answered by -LxcyBlxck and as-sane-as-luna! I'm sorry for the late edit. Wattpad was being mean...

My online exams are starting from tomorrow and I've got a lot of incomplete. Won't be updating unless the whatever god or goddess of writing decides to mess with me. Yeet!


[Note -
• Remus - Younger Remus Lupin
• Lupin - Older Remus Lupin
Unless I say otherwise]

Lupin placed his cap - well, what was left of it - on the shelf and proceeded to check the homework parchments that were submitted to him by his DADA students.

Just then, the door opened and James, Remus and Sirius walked in.

"Hey," He greeted, hesitantly. "I heard you guys were talking again."

"Yes, we are," James said with a huge smile. On noticing Lupin' sad face, he frowned. "Is there something wrong?"

Yes, he wanted to say but couldn't. Couldn't get himself to say it after seeing their little gang together.

"No," he said instead. "Everything's fine. Is there a reason for this pleasure?"

James' face turned serious as Remus started explaining, "We have had a few questions for a while and wanted to see if you could answer us... We need answers."

"Sure, ask ahead," Older Remus said, nervously.

"Our present was your past, yes?" James asked.

"That is correct."

"And yet you didn't recognise us when we first arrived."

"Yes," Lupin admitted.

"But- but you should have already known what had happened. Helped us and not allowed whatever traitor, who framed me, from killing Prongs and Lily," Sirius pointed out. "You could have prevented me from staying in Azkaban for twelve long years!"

"Before we left," Professor Lupin said. "Professor McGonagall cast the obliviate charm on the each of us in such a way that we would remember only when our younger selves showed up - which, I suppose, worked."

Something inside Sirius broke, "We will not remember anything of this encounter?"


"Not able to save James and Lily and the others?"

Silence filled the room. Lupin nodded.

"What about you and Harry and the others?" James asked.

"I don't know."

Remus hesitated as he questioned next, "But then, you still remember us. You've got back your - my - memories. You must know what's going to happen next. You coul-"

"But that's the thing, isn't it?" Older Lupin questioned. "Professor McGonagall returned to me only a particular set of my memories. The same goes for Severus and- and Sirius, but he hasn't seen any of you yet. I don't think he remembers this encounter."

James flinched.

"She has her reasons," Lupin continued. "She did this so that it didn't disrupt the timelines. So that, when you were to come here, I, Severus and Sirius couldn't use the information for our gain. I'm as oblivious as you all are. Especially with Sirius on the loose."

Sirius frowned, "You don't think I did it, do you? I would never touc-"

"You wouldn't," Lupin snapped. "But this Sirius would. We had no idea he was going to do it. Whatever happened that night, it caused James his life! And I- I was left alone! With James de- d- gone, Peter gone and you inside Azkaban. I don't know what to believe at this point."

Lupin let out a humorous laugh, "I was alone. Alone and the only people who I cared about were either dead or enslaved," Lupin's voice broke. "I will wanted to die... but my father- and Harry... I couldn't- They thought I was the spy. But look who it turned out to be! It was Sirius fricking Bla-"

"No, no..." Sirius begged, searching for any trace that Lupin still believed in him.

"It's the truth," Lupin deadpanned.


"No," Lupin shook his head, "It's not as easy as it looks. You are not the James I know."

He closed his eyes, "Yes, you're both the same person but he- He was not you. At first, I thought that it was the most amazing thing to have you back. I was excited. But as time passed, looking at you three, I realised- I was reminded of the one thing I couldn't get. Never. He - my James - is gone. Don't you see, James? We are living on borrowed time."

"What I do remember is that you are going to be gone by the end of this term and nothing is going to change that. You came here, not by a time turner, but through a cauldron and that's the only reason you're not gone yet."

Lupin broke down, as silent tears swept down his eyes. "I miss him... so much. Every single day, I wake up and think how different things would've been if he was still alive. And the last thing I want to do right now is insult him by replacing his memory with another one."

James placed a comforting hand on Lupin's shoulder, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too," he said, his voice sounding as if it was far away. "Do me a favour and give Harry all your love, and time because he deserves a chance with his father. You're not here for me, or the others, you're here for him."

The Marauders stood up starting to leave the room. James paused and turned back to him, "I don't know what Sirius will grow up to be but right now, Sirius would never betray me. I will go down to the end of the well and find out what truly lies underneath."


Why do I have a feeling y'all didn't like this chapter? Ugh! My head hurts. This chapter had to be written. I hope I answered a few of your questions. I'm a huge sucker for logic.

Complete the quote -

He can move faster than Severus Snape...?

The Marauders' FutureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora