43| Things Go Too Wrong... Surprised?

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The previous chapter question was answered by -stxrology (I remember it now!) and AnnieDiAngelo1237 (take care...)!


Note: To make things more entertaining, we are going to do the movie version of the werewolf attack instead of the book version where Hermione and Harry hide inside Hagrid's cottage.


The enormous, bearlike dog, whose name was actually Padfoot, bounded forward. the dog seized the werewolf about the neck and pulled it backward, away from Ron and Pettigrew. They were locked, jaw to jaw, claws ripping at each other -

Others watched the battle like an intense tennis match.

Like can you even believe it?

If you don't, you have either skipped the whole story to reach this part and have an addiction to the chapter no. 44 by some chance or you have not been paying attention to the previous chapters. I'm not gonna comment...

If you do, well...

The werewolf growled and howled once more. Snape raised his wand to shoot a spell at it. Noticing this, Lupin raised his paws with snarl. Caught off guard, Snape didn't have the time to move away before Lupin's hand came pummelling in, whacking Snape on his head. He dropped down, unconscious.

Maybe some people had falling unconscious written on their fate too beautifully to be ignored.

James began to get up but was suddenly yanked back by Peter, making him look at the boy. Wormtail had tears flowing down his eyes. His veins had turned bright red and the man couldn't stop the hiccups that emerged through his sobs.

He looked... scared.

"I am s- so sorry, Jam- James..." He sobbed.

James stopped struggling, looking at Peter, his friend, thunderstruck. The person who had betrayed James and yet here they were. James opened his mouth to say something but stopped, not finding the words.

Peter shook his head, "I- I never wanted to... to go to... the dar- dark lord. I'm so sorry..."

Peter broke down into another series of sobs, each one taking a piece of James' own soul. "He was so- so strong... he threatened my fami- family. My parents."

"Peter," James said as steadily as he could. "I- I don't know what to... what to think or do." He took a deep breath. "You shouldn't have betrayed me in the future."

Peter trembled and shaked badly. Behind them, Sirius and Lupin were fighting. James sensed someone behind him but didn't turn back. Pain erupted in his stomach but he ignored it.

"Maybe if it was just me, I'd forgive you," James continued. "But... Lily died and Harry... he turned into an orphan. He didn't get the childhood he deserved..."

Peter had a runny nose and his eyes looked bloodshot; tears flew down his cheeks. James shook his head.

Suddenly a feminine howl echoed across the meadows, coming from somewhere between the trees and bushes leading to the forbidden forest. James' head jerked to the left. There, he could see two figured running into the forest, right where Lupin, the (hot) killer werewolf, was running to.

James turned back to Peter. "You were my friend."

Peter burst into tears once again. With the help of Sirius, James stood up hurriedly, ignoring the guilt building up inside him. He had broken Peter's heart. He had broken Peter's heart.

James sniffed and turned to Sirius. "Take care of Har-"

Hermione screamed. And then-


James twisted to look behind him as Sirius' eyes gawked above him just in time to find Peter Pettigrew shoot a spell at Ron, who soon laid motionless on the ground. He didn't hear the spell Harry shot at Pettigrew, who had already transformed. The roar in his ear increased.

"Peter, come back!" James yelled in vain as Peter ran away in his rat form, barely looking at any of them. He didn't even look back.

"Sirius, he's gone, Pettigrew transformed!" Harry yelled at Black. (I've a question. Why did autocorrect change Black to Blackpool? We've got a Blackpool?)

Black was bleeding; there were gashes across his muzzle and back, but at Harry's words he scrambled up again, and in an instant, the sound of his paws faded to silence as he pounded away across the grounds.

Harry, Lily, and Hermione dashed over to Ron.

James turned to Sirius. The Sirius he'd known for the past two years and not the older one. He glanced towards the place where Lupin had disappeared with Harry and Hermione's clones. There was still time.

"Take care of Harry," James said hurriedly. If anything happened to him...

Padfoot rested his hand on James' chin. "You're hot."

James grinned. "I know."

"That's not I mean," Sirius shook his head. "We need to get you to the castle, Jam-"

James placed a finger on his friend's lips. He bent forward and embraced his brother figure, then quickly pecked him on his cheek, leaving him bewildered. "Take care of Harry, Sirius."

Not waiting for an answer, James dashed over into the woods.


I always wanted to do that. People think Sirius is the hot boyfriend snogging people. James knows how to petrify people too, guys!

How did Pettigrew die?

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