Chapter 15

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*This story is on-going and changes will be made along the way.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it

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NB! Adult-content | Mature | Romance


I spent the next few days over-thinking. I'd gotten pretty good at it - in fact, I couldn't control it anymore. I kept replaying the time I spent with Giovanni over and over again. There was something more to it - it was more than just physical. It had to be. There was no way we could have that much passion and chemistry and it not develop into something more. Or was that a thing that I just didn't know about? I had never been the kind of woman to have once-off physical interactions with men but here I was stuck in that exact situation. I'm not the same woman I used to be and I wasn't sure yet if that was a good thing or not. All I knew was that the way Giovanni was making me feel was new and exciting but also absolutely terrifying. I didn't want to be feeling anything for anyone. When we were together, I was consumed by him and then when I left, I started to doubt what was happening. When it's just him and I, I knew he was feeling it too but then we didn't see each other, and I didn't hear from him and it turned my overthinking into overdrive. Reyna kept reminding me that she has never known him to have a girlfriend. He had never committed to one woman and I hated hearing that. A huge part of me got disappointed every time she mentioned it but then I think back to how we are together and I go crazy thinking this is one-sided? Surely not. I couldn't be the only one stuck dealing with these unwanted feelings. The way he looked at me and touched me...

You couldn't tell me he did that to others?

But then when I didn't hear from him, I started to feel like a statistic. I was also way too stubborn to be the one to reach out first. It was a terrible defense mechanism that I just couldn't break through. If this was how it was going to be then I should be able to flirt with whoever I want without him interrupting.

But I didn't want to be flirting with anyone else. I only wanted him.

This back and forth continued in my mind as Reyna and I walked into one of the bars on our road. It was a Sunday evening and Paradiso was the only place open that had an energy to it. It was filled with people but nothing compared to Mala Mía. We were relaxing at home before Diego called and convinced us to join him for drinks. I wasn't working tomorrow and I didn't feel like continuing to wallow in my thoughts so I agreed to join. There was a crisp cold wind lingering in the air - Autumn was here but each day it was starting to feel more like Winter already.

I scanned the area. I had never been here before but I was already enjoying the atmosphere. It had a dance-floor right in front of the bar and the rest of the place was scattered with high tables and bar stools. It wasn't meant to be a club but had the same vibe as one. We probably would've gone to Mala Mía but it was only open from Thursday to Saturday and I was actually glad for the change of scenery. It was already making me feel more at ease as it helped distract from the on-going thoughts in my head. The DJ was playing my favourite kind of music - Reggaeton. The type of music you couldn't help but move to. This was the Barcelona that I fell in love with.

We strolled through the crowd and found Diego at one of the high tables. His face lit up as soon as he saw Reyna. It made me smile. He was falling for her and as much as she ran away from her feelings, she was doing the same thing. I found Diego to be quite cute with his dirty blonde hair and light brown eyes that were a great combination. He was more on the skinnier side but he wasn't obsessed with his image like a lot of the other guys she has been with. He was kind-hearted and I was rooting for the two of them.

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