Chapter 23

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*This story is on-going and changes will be made along the way.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it

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NB! Adult-content | Mature | Romance


Thursday morning I walked into the elevator at the bottom of Giovanni's apartment building, two cups of coffee in hand. After our romantic date over the weekend, he and I were swamped with work and today, I finally had the day off and I just wanted to see him. I wanted to spend every moment I could with him. He had access to the building straight from Mala Mía or through the additional entrance that I had to utilize when the club was closed. The elevator opened straight into his apartment and I casually strolled in, a murmur of voices spreading throughout.

"Giovanni?" I shouted out

I placed the coffees and my handbag on his kitchen counter. A moment later a lady I had never met stepped into view with a huge smile on her face.

"You must be Isabella," she exclaimed, reaching her arms out to me and pulling me in for a hug

I was taken aback but I embraced her, "Yes I am, nice to meet you,"

"Ah dear, it's so lovely to meet you. Giovanni has told me so much about you," she said with her thick Spanish accent, "I'm Marcina, Giovanni's mother,"

Looking at her now, I could see a hint of resemblance between them. Giovanni definitely carried more from his father but there was a certain familiarity in their facial structure that made him and his mother look related. She was a short, plump lady with the most wonderful smile. Her face had a youthful glow to it despite the crease lines by her eyes and forehead. Her rich chestnut brown hair was the same as Giovanni's and it hung just above her shoulders. She was smiling at me and I could see the happiness in her eyes. It made me happy to know that he's mentioned me to his mother. There was clearly something worth mentioning about our relationship.

"Mama," Giovanni strolled into the kitchen

Every time I saw him, he managed to take my breath away. He was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants that hung nicely on his waist. He pulled a hoodie over his head as he walked in, hiding his naked torso.

"I see you've met Isabella," he said, stopping next to me

"Bella, bella, bella," she said, cupping my face in her hands

I couldn't help but smile and mirror her happiness. She was so welcoming and had a beautiful energy to her. The complete opposite to his father and I found myself wondering how they could have ever been together.

"Okay, Mama," Giovanni chuckled, "I think you're scaring her,"

"No, she's not," I answered quickly and turned to his mother, "You are so lovely,"

"See hijo," she pulled me in for a hug, "She doesn't mind,"

I giggled and embraced her. I was infected by her energy and already felt welcomed. Giovanni shared the same welcoming spirit and that was one of the many things I already loved about him. The buzzer to his apartment building went off and Marcina pulled away.

"That's papá," she said to Giovanni, "Let me get going,"

The question of whether his parents were still together lingered in mind and she now confirmed that they were still a couple.

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