Chapter 1

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*This story is on-going and changes will be made along the way.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it

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NB! Adult-content | Mature | Romance


"Oh come on, Isabella!" my roommate and long-time friend, Reyna shouted over the sound of the water from the shower I was taking

I rolled my eyes knowing very well that she couldn't see me

"You know I don't do the whole 'going out' thing Reyna," I sighed, "It makes me so uncomfortable"

"That's because you don't even try to have a good time,"

"I do," I retorted

Reyna snorted, "As if! you need to come out with Kat and I and actually try to enjoy yourself,"

I sighed. Reyna was always so damn persistent and I had a feeling I wasn't going to win this fight

Reyna and Katrina Cazarez were sisters that were born eighteen months apart but they could practically be twins. They were both gifted with long, thick black hair that had the most perfect curls. The kind that started right from their roots. The Spanish descent from their father's side blessed them with olive skin and their light blue eyes came from their half-French, half-Spanish mother.

I had been friends with Reyna since the first day of high school when she walked in and offered me gum, which we weren't allowed to have during class but that didn't stop her. She had the top button of her shirt undone and her tie pulled to the side. She couldn't care less about the rules and although it terrified my control-freak ways, I was fascinated by her spontaneous nature. She joined the boarding school side of Queen's College - Somerset, one of the leading private institutions in England. Her family lived in Madrid and they had decided that a fancy international school in the UK would be the best fit for their daughters. She moved back to Spain after graduation and yet, we still managed to stay just as close.

Reyna and I were polar opposites in every conceivable way - from our personalities to our looks.  My longer wavy brown hair and hazel eyes were never features I considered to be striking like hers. Reyna thrived off of being the center of attention and I couldn't think of anything worse thanks to my introverted tendencies. We may have been opposites but we always managed to bring out the best in each other. She was the dreamer and I was the realist. She had always been the closest person to me - not even my older sister Camila and I were half as close.

"Izzy, I know how hard this has all been on you," Reyna started, a flicker of her Spanish accent coming through, "But you deserve at least one night to go out and have fun,"

The ache in my heart still lingered. She was referring to the latest life-altering changes that I didn't see coming. Getting dumped by my now ex-boyfriend, Nate Cameron, with who I had spent the last 6 years of my life. Everyone labeled us as "high-school sweethearts" and we had our life all planned out. The perfect job, the perfect apartment, the perfect life.

Until he left me and that all went for a ball of shit.

It was one of our regular date nights that we had planned. Everything in our lives had always been planned down to the very last detail but something felt different about this particular night. Everyone around us had been talking about marriage for a while now and we knew they were expecting an engagement. A part of me was terrified of that long-term commitment but my mother, Gloria Avery, always reminded me that it was the next step in the plan.

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