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Elle's third and final show is sold out.

She calls Awsten as soon as she finds out, with a bright grin on her face.

"Sold out?" His eyes widen, matching her excitement over FaceTime. "Holy shit, Elle!"

"I know! Like, what the fuck?" She laughs a long with him. "I know it's only like, one hundred and fifty cap, but, still-"

"It's not only," Awsten cuts her off. "Don't down play it like that. I'm so proud of you."

Elle smiles, her heart aching slightly as she looks back at the phone screen.

"I miss you," the words seem to slip out of her mouth.

"I miss you," he frowns slightly, and Elle feels a little guilty for the sudden sad tone.

"Sorry, uhm, I should go," she says, quickly, "get ready, and stuff."

"Oh, yeah, okay," Awsten nods. "Call me after your show? Or I'll call you after mine?"

"Yeah," Elle agrees. "Talk to you later."

When she ends the call, she shoves her phone in her back pocket, and sighs.

"Everything okay?" Jawn raises an eyebrow, checking through his camera settings.

"Yeah, all good," Elle smiles stiffly.

Getting on stage without Awsten beside her is a strange feeling, but just before she's about to head on, her phone buzzes in her pocket.

You've got this💜

She reads the message over with a smile, before going on stage.

The noise is noticeably louder, and it makes her grin from ear to ear.

When stepping onto a stage, Elle seems step out of her head, and it's a nice distraction.

During the second song, she manages to spot Taylor in the crowd; but what she doesn't expect to see, is another two familiar faces next to her.

Elle's face lights up, as she points out Ash and Anna while singing, giggling into the microphone when the shock hits her.

Taylor is glad to know that Elle's performance isn't massively affected by Awsten's absence; she's sure she'll feel it more after the show, but for now, she seems okay.

She has a small moment during Peach, and her voice wobbles when she sings, "but this won't last forever if we both want to die, right?"

Taylor is sure that she's the only one who notices, until she catches Jawn's eye, and he shoots her a knowing look.

The energy during 21 is the best that it has been so far, and Elle bounces off stage with a grin.

It falters, though, when she realises that Awsten isn't there waiting for her.

"That was amazing!" Taylor grins, pulling her into a hug.

"Oh, thank you," Elle works up a smile again.

"Well done, Elle," Jawn returns, opening his arm for a half-hug, with his camera in his other hand.

She takes a deep breath, and looks between the two of them briefly.

"Why don't you go and call Awsten?" Taylor suggests, with a soft look.

BLOOM • awsten knightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora