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"How far away are you?" Awsten asks Elle, over the phone.

"Uh, no more than like, twenty minutes, I think," she replies. "Hang on— Ethan," Elle leans forward from the backseat, earning a hum of recognition. "How long left?"

"Maybe like, thirty minutes," he answers, and Elle sits back in her seat.

"Okay, I might've overestimated his driving. Ethan says half an hour," she tells Awsten.

"That's an extra ten minutes," he groans, dramatically.

"Would you rather me tell him to speed?" Elle raises an eyebrow.

"No, no," Awsten shakes his head quickly. "Make sure you get here safe," he adds, more sincerely.

"Of course," she smiles. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Wait, wait," Awsten stops her from bringing their call to a close. "Where am I meeting you?" He questions, quickly. "Are you coming to the venue? You can stay on the bus for a bit if you want."

"I mean, I have a hotel room..." Elle teases, quietly. "I could meet you there and—"

"If you carry on that sentence, I think I might have to personally ask Ethan to break the speed limit," Awsten breathes out, a little unevenly, earning an innocent giggle. "If you send me the address, I could go check in for you," he suggests, feeling a little impatient.

"Yeah, okay," Elle agrees. "I'll send you over all the details."

"I might need to run to the store, too," Awsten adds. "I don't think I have any, uh—" He pauses for a moment. "Hang on."

Awsten stands up, wandering off of the bus, not wanting the embarrassment of any of his friends overhearing his private conversation with his girlfriend.

"Safe to say it now?" Elle laughs, quietly, having gathered that he's now outside.

"Yeah," he kicks his feet along the ground, sheepishly. "I might run to the store, because I don't have any condoms..." Awsten says, finally. "You know, if we need them. I'm not saying we have to have—" He begins to add, quickly, feeling the need to clarify that he doesn't expect anything from Elle whatsoever, but she cuts him off.

"I think we're gonna need them," she smirks, slightly, causing his heart to skip a beat.

"God, you should really hurry up," a smile plays on Awsten's lips, listening to the way Elle laughs at his comment.

"I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?" She assures him. "I've sent you the details for the room, you should be able to check in, no problem."

"Got it," Awsten nods, glancing at the information she'd sent through. "See you soon."

He rushes back onto the bus once their call ends, beginning to grab a few of his things, and shoving them into his backpack.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Jawn looks at Awsten, oddly, from his spot on the sofa.

"Seeing Elle soon," he replies, shortly, much more focused on gathering what he needs.

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