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MARCH 2018

"Are you driving for the last two hours?" Taylor asks, as they head out of the doors of the service station.

"Yeah, if you want," Elle answers.

"Catch!" Taylor throws the keys to her, which thankfully she catches, without spilling her drink.

Elle adjusts her seat, as Taylor clips in in her seatbelt, before pulling out of the car park and back onto the main road.

Waterparks play consistently through the speakers, and Elle loses track of how long she's been driving for, singing along to every word, before her phone starts to ring.

"That's Awsten, I'm guessing," Taylor smirks from the passanger's seat. "Oo, why does he have a muscle emoji next to his name, huh?"

"Alright, shut the fuck up," Elle glares, before answering the call. "Hi!"

"Hey!" Awsten answers, his voice coming through the car speakers. "You doing okay? Almost here?" He asks, and Elle can't help the smile that creeps onto her face.

"Yeah, I'm okay," she replies, ignore the looks she's getting from Taylor. "We're almost there. You okay?"

"I'm good, excited, to see you," he answers, and she suppresses her grin.

"I'm excited to see you," Elle responds, earning a groan from beside her.

"Oh my god," Taylor rolls her eyes. "Please, this is so gross," she shakes her head. "I swear you saw each other like, less than a week ago."

"Sorry, you're on speaker, and Tay clearly can't shut the fuck up, like I asked her to," Elle explains, earning a laugh from Awsten. "We're pulling up by the venue now, where do we need to go?"

"So, go to the doors 'round the back, I'll get Lucas to head out now," Elle then hears some movement from Awsten's end of the line. "Lucas!" He wines, dragging out his name annoyingly, before shouting some instructions directed toward him.

Elle shuts off the car after parking up, disconnecting her phone and bringing it to her ear.

There's a short walk from where they'd parked to the main venue, so it's only a minute or two, before the backdoors are in sight.

"We're heading to the doors now, I'll see you in a sec," Elle tells Awsten, the anticipation of seeing him now getting stronger.

"Okay, okay," Awsten lets out a deep breath, "agh, I'm excited, see you soon!" He grins, ending the call, and he anxiously awaits for Elle to walk through the doors to the green room.

as Elle spots Lucas, emerging from the back entrance of the venue.

"Elle, hey," Lucas greets, emerging from the back entrance of the venue.

"Hi, Lucas!" Elle replies with a grin. "This is my friend, Taylor," she introduces, and she gives him a small wave.

"Nice to meet you both, " he holds the door open, allowing the two of them to step inside. "Now, you gotta keep these safe," Lucas hands them their passes. "Otto always forgets his, and we have to save him, because he can't convince security that he's in the band."

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