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Considering it's past two in the morning, Awsten couldn't be more awake.

He's sat in the airport, because he couldn't bare waiting in his car, and he wants to greet Elle the second she exits her gate.

His leg is bouncing in anticipation, as he spends his time people-watching.

Due to the time, it's not overly busy; anyone that Awsten can see is walking in a slow sluggish fashion, either heading for the exit, or preparing to board their flight.

It's as if everyone is in slow motion, except for him; but, this makes it much easier to spot Elle, when she emerges from a small group of people, with just as much energy as Awsten seems to have.

He stands from his seat quickly, as she picks up her pace, practically running towards him; she drops her bags at her side and jumps into his arms, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, as his fall around her waist.

Awsten holds her tight, keeping her steady after the force she'd ran at him with, planting kisses in her hair.

"I missed you," Elle pulls back just enough to look at him, wearing a wide grin.

"Really? I never would've guessed," Awsten replies, sarcastically, earning a lighthearted eye roll, to which his facade cracks quickly. "I missed you, too," he murmurs, which only causes Elle's heart to flutter, as she pushes onto her tiptoes and plants a kiss on his cheek; she feels him smile wider, so she continues, kissing the side of his face repeatedly, until Awsten turns his face to catch her lips.

Once they feel like they can bare to separate for more than a second, Awsten steps away to grab Elle's bag that she'd dropped beside her, swinging it over his shoulder, and offering out his hand for her to hold.

"As much as I hate being away from you," she begins, slipping her hands into his, "I do think these reunions are pretty fucking cute," Elle adds, leaning into his side, as they begin to walk out of the airport.

"That's just because it's us," Awsten giggles, pressing his lips to her temple. "We're gonna be one of those couples that's just cute forever," he comments, as they reach his car, and he opens the passenger side door for her. "You know? Like, some couples get past this phase and they're just kind of, average. Not us, though, no matter what age we get, we're just always gonna be cute."

Elle doesn't reply at first, because she's just watching him, and the expression on his face, as he climbs into the car.

It only takes him a second to notice her staring, as he clips in his seatbelt. "What?"

"You said forever," she smiles, sweetly. "Do you mean it?"

"Well, I was kinda planning on it," Awsten shrugs, casually.

"Really?" Elle mumbles, quietly. Before he can reply, or put the keys in the ignition, she pulls Awsten's face to her's and kisses him.

She's smiling uncontrollably, and he can't feel it against his lips, as her fingers slide up the base of his neck, to comb through his hair.

"I'm guessing you like that idea," Awsten raises an eyebrow.

"Mhm," Elle nods, quickly. "Very much so," she adds, as he pecks her lips again.

Elle watches him adoringly as he drives them back to his apartment, her heart fluttering each time he interlaces their fingers over the console.

"Thanks for letting me stay with you," she says, once they're out of the car; Awsten takes her bags once again, before swiftly rejoining her side.

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