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Despite only just coming off of a six week long tour, Awsten is still awake before Elle; not for long, though, since she seems to stir with the absence with him beside her.

"G'morning, beautiful," Awsten smiles, re-entering his bedroom, once she's awake.

"Mm, hi, angel," Elle hums, reaching out for him.

He wanders over, bending down into her arms, and she hugs him tightly.

"Come on, I've got plans for us later," Awsten tells her, kissing her cheek repeatedly.

"But, it's Christmas Eve," her eyebrows dip together, looking at him as he pulls back to hover over her.

"I mean much later. Like, this evening," he adds, pecking her lips. "We've got dinner, then Church, then our plans," Awsten continues. "If you're chill with going to Church, that is. You don't have to, my mom just makes us go every year—"

"Of course I'll come," Elle brushes his hair off of his forehead. "I forget you have Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve, too, and not Christmas Day."

"You're doing things the American way, now," Awsten laughs, sneaking another kiss, before he stands up. He offers his hands out to Elle, and she gladly takes them, as he tugs her out of bed.

"I'm gonna go shower, and brush my teeth, then I'll be down, okay?" She says, grabbing her things and preparing to head to the bathroom.

"Okay," Awsten smiles, watching as she walks away, before letting out a content sigh.

His expression remains as he heads downstairs, joining the rest of his family.

"Elle is just grabbing a shower and stuff, but she'll be down in a few," he announces, wandering over to the fridge.

"Did you tell her you love her yet?" His mom asks, causing Awsten to choke on his own breath, as he pulls out a bottle of orange juice.

"Uhm, what?" He responds, trying to play it cool.

"Oh, come on, Awsten," Gracie pipes up, rolling her eyes. "It's literally so obvious."

"Couldn't be more obvious if you tried," his dad nods in agreement.

"You almost slipped up with it yesterday," Ginny points out. "I can tell."

Awsten opens his mouth to argue, but he knows there's no point, and arguing against being anything other than madly in love with his girlfriend feels totally wrong, because it's just not the truth.

"Okay, so, maybe I am very in love," he admits, quietly, as Gracie's eyes widen, his dad smiles proudly, and his mom is just about ready to cheer. "But, I do need y'all to shut up about it, because I haven't told her yet."

"What are you waiting for?" Gracie groans, impatiently. "I swear you've been in love with her for like, ever."

"Some things take time, asshole," Awsten shoots his sister a fake grin.

"Language, Awsten!" His mom scolds, just in time for Elle, making her way downstairs.

"Wow, what did I miss?" She laughs, joining Awsten's side.

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