Chapter 47: Deathtrap

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Pizza tonight? (Sebastien)

I literally can't stop the grin that stretches across my face from reading that text. It has been way too long since the last time Sebastien and I had our Friday night. I could use a good night after these past several days.

Currently, I am huddled up at the library with Becky. We have been cramming for our remaining finals. She got the call yesterday morning that Rayna was being released from the hospital. Becky raced there to see her home to her parents. None of us have left Becky or Ray alone since that night at the hospital, but I know they are both working their way to better.

"This ten-page paper is the worst Emma!" Becky mutters as she runs her fingers through her pin-straight hair.

"Aw sorry, Becky. I am honestly a better test-taker than a writer," I admit.

"Same here. Rayna has always been the writer," she professes and smiles. "She told me the online finals she now has to take are worse than the real thing. I promised her I would come to visit as soon as I am done."

"I am sure she would really love that. Tell her we will visit as soon as we can too!"

"I will," she tells me. "Ugh, I am literally going to have a pull an all-nighter for this paper. I have five pages to go and only 24 more hours to do it."

"That's plenty of time. I believe in you," I chirp.

She groans before reluctantly retreating back to her laptop and I giggle returning to my notebook.

I text back Sebastien.

Absolutely. I'll meet you at your place.


I make my way to Sebastien's house enjoying the oddly warm weather on the walk. Once I stroll through his door, Bash swivels to me. "Hey, so I have an idea."

"That sounds terrifying. What is it?" I ask putting down my bag on his bed.

His face is filled with mischief. "I thought to get our mind off everything we could do something different...Like, go for a ride on my bike."

My insides still and I narrow my eyes at him. "No." I deadpan.

"Emma, come on," he remarks. "You have never ridden on it."

"Yeah, there's a reason why," I say pointedly. "That thing is a death trap."

"It'll be fun Emma. You have to give it a shot before you hate it." He dangles the keys out to me.

"It will be the opposite of fun."

He bites his lip quite sexily and crookedly grins at me. "Pretty please Emma?"

I avert my eyes. That is so not fair. I literally can't say no to him when he smiles like that. I chew the inside of my cheek.

"Ugh, fine! Once and then I never want to hear it again," I mutter, immediately regretting the words as they fly from my mouth.

"Deal," he says excitedly and ushers me out the door probably knowing how quickly I'll change my mind. He directs me to the house's garage and I lay eyes on the death trap.

Shit. Shit. This is what happens when I am weak. He pulls out a black helmet passing it to me and I slowly grab it like an old tissue I found on the floor. He draws out his own helmet, but he must notice the stricken look across my face because he tilts his head.

"You sure? Because you are kind of looking green. I rather you do not puke all over my baby."

"I am not going to puke," I snap at him and strap the damn thing onto my head.

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