Chapter 13: Doritos

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The next morning Jamie shoves me awake. I groan. I do not like being woken up.

"Jamie it is Sunday, we do not do mornings on Sundays. They are nonexistent." I put the covers over my head.

"I don't care. Emma!" She shoves me again. "I got exciting news!" I slowly uncover the blanket to reveal my eyes. She is peering at me inches away from my face. I scream and she laughs. When I finally recover and sit up, she sits across from me on my bed. I notice she is fully dressed and with makeup. I look at my clock... it is 8am. "So remember the girl I met at Sebastien's frat party? The girl from Kappa Phi Upsilon?" She questions me.

"I guess? I remember you saying something about a meet and eat or something," I say rubbing my eyes.

"Close enough. A meet and greet. We did it!" She shrieks. "Oh my gosh, they are all so perfect. They said I am totally Kappa Phi Upsilon material. They have another recruiting event coming up and I am so hyped. Imagine me, a sister at Kappa Phi Upsilon? Maybe I can eventually move into their house!"

"Yeah that would be cool," I try to say as happily as I can muster. I don't like the idea of that, but I'm not going to ruin her good spirits.

She looks at me scrutinizing what she just said. "Wait, but then we wouldn't be roomies. Are you sure you don't want to rush with me?"

"Yes I am sure," I answer without thinking. It has never been my intention to be in a sorority and my parents would never approve claiming it would be a distraction from my studies.

She frowns. "Well I guess I won't live in the house then," she states matter-of-factly.

I immediately get defensive. "Don't say that, it's your dream. I can always get a single or something." I wave my hand shrugging it off.

"Let's not worry about that yet. I'll have to get in first. And if I do, I wouldn't want to leave you alone."

"You will get in and I would be perfectly fine living on my own." I roll my eyes dramatically so she gets the hint. It wouldn't be the most ideal living experience, but I am used to it from being home. I will not be the one to hold Jamie back from her ambitions.

"Anyways," she says. "Want to get breakfast? You can tell me about your night. You got in pretty late last night."

"Yeah sure, let me get dressed since I am already up. Thanks a lot for that," I mutter in an irritated manner since I despise mornings. I take a quick shower and then we head over to the dining hall. We snag some food and I break into the whole night giving her all the details about my new friends.

"Oh my gosh! We should all meet up!" Jamie tells me excitedly from the news. "I think I'll like them they seem like a lively bunch." She winks.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Maybe we could all meet for dinner or something."

"Or a party?" she says suggestively.

"Ha ha ha, no." I fake laugh.

"Party pooper," she murmurs as she stabs her fruit with her fork.

"I'll text them. How's tomorrow sound?" She agrees and I shoot Luka a text asking him if he wants to grab dinner with my friend and everyone else too. He adds me to their group chat and they all agree.

"So, are any of them hot?" Jamie questions me as we head back to my dorm.

I think it over. "Both Luka and Jared are easy on the eyes," I declare.

"I like the sound of that. I need myself some new eye candy. There are literally zero guys in any of my classes that are drool-worthy. I guess I'll have to stare at my professors this semester. Ughh." She groans dramatically and I laugh at her.

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