Chapter 23: She's a Little Scary

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The next morning, I am still filled with concern for Bash, so I text him on my way to the library to see how he is holding up after the night.

I am fine. I am busy with work and class so I'll talk to you soon. (Sebastien)

Knowing he is putting up a pretense that everything is alright, I drop into his house throughout the day, but never manage to stumble across him. Grimly, I set aside a large bag of Doritos on his bed as a small uplift for him. For the next few days, I check in regularly through text, and each time he admits he is doing better which I try and take to heart.

In the meantime, I am growing used to my new living arrangements with Becky. We started a system where we do homework and eat heaps of ramen together. It is a totally different atmosphere compared to living with Jamie. Becky is calm and collected and we have similar time management schedules. Whereas, Jamie was loud, chaotic, and always full of surprises. I am learning to enjoy the differences of living with both.

Becky's reading on her phone and I am finishing up leftover assignments when a question forms in my mind. I debate on asking her but decide to just blurt it out.

"Do you ever think your parents will take you back?"

She looks up at me her eyebrows scrunching. "Only if I break up with Rayna," she mutters.

"Really? What if you pretended to?" I respond uncertainly, thinking it could be a possibility.

"Have you ever been in love, Emma?" Her tone velvety.

"Um," I stutter my thoughts uneven. "No, I don't think so."

Her nut-brown eyes glance over at me. "Well, I am. And why would I want to throw that love away, the love of someone who appreciates me and loves me as I am, for my parents who obviously don't? They don't love who I am or they wouldn't be doing this to me. And I'm so sick of pretending. I am not going to shove myself back into that confined box I was once in. It's like I can finally breathe and no longer have to poke holes anymore," she explains.

My heart breaks a little more for her as I drop my eyes to the floor. "I am sorry you had to face that. I wish parents could just understand and see things our way for once." I look back up giving her a disheartened look. "Both you and Ray are amazing and so strong."

"I guess so. It took way longer than it should have to stand up to my parents though," her tone dejected.

"But you did it, that's what matters. Who cares how long it took," I counter.

She examines me and nods her head. "Are your parents strict Emma?"

"Um, they're not really around too much. They are pretty dead-set on me becoming a doctor. So when it comes to my grades and future, I would say they are pretty iron-fisted," I reply back not feeling my situation is nearly as bad as hers.

"Oh, is that why you're so into school?" she says questionably hugging her pillow to her chest.

I think back to when my love for school began, "Well, it started out that way. That's how I was brought up. They pressured me to get certain marks and GPAs, but eventually I did manage to find my own way of loving education and learning," I retort. "I still try to get the grades for my parents, but the learning part I absolutely love. Like I don't get much satisfaction from getting a one-hundred on an exam but more so when I can connect and recall what I have learned."

"That makes sense. I think the whole education system is really screwed up, to be honest. That's how it should be," she admits.

I laugh and agree with her, "Imagine? Life would be so much easier." She laughs with me and we both go back to reading but she stops to look up and smile at me and I smile back.


Grabbing a quick bite before my next class, I sit alone in a plastic chair amongst the laughter and chewing of the crowds around me. I pick up a caprese sandwich off a hot plate and pull out my phone before I catch sight of Britt. She lays her eyes on me like a predator on prey and hunts me down at my table.

I gulp as she reaches me and I apprehensively mutter, "Hi Britt."

"Do you know where Sebastien was Monday night?" She says humorlessly her aqua eyes stone cold.

I blink at her several times. "Um, what? Why?"

"He literally got a call and then just left me in his room for hours! He is refusing to tell me what it is was about," she exhales exasperated. I stare at her a little frightened but gather up my nerves.

"Look, Britt." I fidget in my seat at her flushed face. "I really rather not get involved between it. You're really nice, but Sebastien is my best friend. You'll have to get your answers from him," I respond uncompromisingly. She goes from angry to sad in the bat of an eye. Her eyes glisten in tears and I feel completely heartless, but I don't know what she expects me to do. If Sebastien didn't tell her, he obviously has his reasons for it and I can't go behind his back like this. Her face instantly returns to infuriated and she marches away without a second glance. I watch her retreating figure no longer with an appetite for the sandwich I was about to eat.


*author's note*
Uh-oh. Do you feel something coming with Britt? Hint hint it's coming haha. Don't forget to vote 🤩

Masked AttractionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora