Chapter 18: Man Spreading

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Saturday Morning

"Let's go early to scope them out," I tell Jamie as she insists on dragging me out to meet her potential dates for her formal.

She is first meeting a frat guy named Jeremy and then another guy named Zeke who is in the same fraternity as Bash. We are sitting at the corner table at the coffeehouse that Becky works at with our drinks steaming in front of us. We have been here for fifteen minutes before I nudge Jamie in her side as a tall, broad-shouldered guy walks through the doors. We know it's him because he said he would be wearing a green university hood. He glances both ways before he locates us in the corner. He smiles shyly, his dimples showing as he walks in our direction. He looks cute from here and I guess he meets Jamie's standards because she has her flirty smile going and stands up to greet him. She gives him a hug and he sits down across from us.

"Thank you so much for considering to go tonight with me! I just got recruited for Kappa Pho Upsilon and was nervous to go alone," Jamie tells him.

"Of course. I would be honored to take you," he says and his cheeks stain a little pink. He talks with both of us asking some questions, but I say very little feeling inept at taking over the conversation. I discover he is a history major and comes off a little timid, but that is no problem for Jamie. I am incredibly glad I took off work because I find it extremely amusing watching her interview guys like we are on the Bachelorette.

Once he leaves and Jamie hugs him again we wait for Zeke. Thirty minutes go by after he said he would have arrived. Jamie is tapping the table in irritation.

"Ugh, finally there he is," she says as a dark-haired guy strides slowly in our direction. "He's lucky he's hot," she whispers. He sits down man-spreading the whole seat across from us. His black hair is combed over magnifying the sharp features of his face and tanned skin.

"I'm Zeke," he says and puts the menu to the side not ordering anything. I skim his features and can confirm he is definitely attractive, but he knows it which comes off as conceited.

"I'm Jamie," She declares.

"Hi, Jamie," his voice is like a caress. "You are even prettier than your picture." His lips spread into a slow sexy grin, but then his eyes slide over to me. "And who are you?" He says gazing at me.

Jamie responds for me. "This is my best friend Emma, she happened to come along."

"I see that, nice to meet you Emma." He grabs my hand off the table and kisses it while not losing eye contact. My face flames up and his smirk grows even wider. She asks him a few questions, but his responses all come off very disinterested. Shortly after, Jamie gives up says her goodbyes. I get up as Jamie goes into the bathroom.

Zeke stops me before he leaves. "Hey, so I know I was here to take Jamie out, but I would like to take you instead. I'll even ask Jamie if it's okay. We didn't click anyway." He waves his hand off like it's a normal occurrence to not hit things off. I blink at him slowly, completely taken aback by his response. I stand there my mouth unable to respond, but hear Jamie squeal behind me.

"Oh of course! That'll be so fun because then we can get ready and go together! She accepts," Jamie replies for me again. I swivel back at her my eyes wild trying to give her a stern look, but she ignores it.

"Perfect, until then Emma," Zeke says and winks at me walking away.

As he is out the door, I shriek, "Jamie! What did you do? I don't want to go with him? I barely know him."

"Oh honey, come on. You don't have to stay with him just because he took you. Just use him for an invite. It'll be so fun," she says.

I really do not like that idea, not to mention that the guy seemed way too confident for me.

She starts talking again, "Come on you're finally starting to experiment more so why not go out with a different guy? Plus, all your new friends will be there and you already have off work so we can go shopping right now for an outfit," she tells me assuredly. She notices my apprehension and gives me her puppy dog eyes so I slowly surrender.

"Okay," I say hesitantly. She kinda had me when she explained I would be with all my friends which makes me excited at the idea.

Jamie squeals some more getting us a couple of looks before she drags me downtown.

"We have such little time! We need to start shopping now," she says as she pulls me along. She pauses to dial Jeremy asking if he'll go with her to the formal and he quickly agrees. Then, we stop in multiple stores. I try on tons of dresses before I pick a black mini dress with a side slit from a little boutique we found. It reminds me of night as it shimmers in the light like stars in a sky.

"Oh hell yeah, Emma definitely that one," Jamie declares. It is a little showier than I am used to, but the material is breathtaking so I agree with her and buy it. We head on back and start getting prepared by starting our makeup and hair. I do a half-up, half-down hairdo on my brown while Jamie curls her blonde locks. In between, we share some take-out and Jamie avidly tells me about her new sorority sisters until we finish up.


Later that night

Zeke gets my number from Jamie and messages me to meet him at his frat house. I show up a little early and walk in. A few of the frat guys are sitting by the fireplace mantel smoking a joint looking bored out of their minds waiting for their dates to finish up. Bash is sitting with them cutting the edges off a cigar. I walk up and Bash looks up at the same time and his eyes widen.


"Hi" I give him a short little wave feeling a little anxious because I decided not to tell him I was going beforehand.

"What are you doing here?" He walks toward me towering over me even when I'm in heels.

"Um, Zeke is taking me," I state.

"What?" He yells and I flinch a little from his tone.

"He, uh, asked me this morning," I say feeling increasingly more awkward now.

"No. No. You are not going with him," he demands shaking his head. His frat brothers look over at him and he gives them a grave look in response and they all turn back to their business obligingly.

"What are you talking about?" I say to him and he marches over grabbing my hand pulling me to his room.

"What are you doing Emma?"

I stare at him aghast. "I am very confused right now. Why are you freaking out?" I ask perplexed.

"Zeke is a douche. He doesn't care about anyone. I do not want you going out with him," he says sharply.

"Bash, look..."

He doesn't seem to hear me, "He will smooth talk you and once he gets in your pants then he will be bored. Hell, no. I will break every bone in his body if he so much as," he says seething his hand running through his hair with force.

"Sebastien, calm down. I am not going to sleep with him. I am just going to the formal, it's not a big deal. And if that's the case, why would you set him up with Jamie?"

"Because she needed an attractive guy and she deals with guys like that. You don't," he hardheadedly states.

"You're freaking out for no reason. Jeesh. Look, I'm going to the formal alright. I already got dressed and everything. Please just relax," I say kissing him on the cheek and he freezes. I do too, not really knowing where that came from. I decide to use his shock and mine to escape out of his room and Zeke just happens to be strolling by outside at that exact moment. Bash follows out shortly behind me. Zeke gives me an appreciative look over and a lazy smile.

"You look absolutely amazing Emma," he says grabbing my arm and placing it through his so I am leaning up against him. "Come on, I'll drive."

"Oh um, alright," I respond my thoughts muddled. He leads me out and I look back over at Bash. Britt just arrived but he's not even looking at her, he's staring at me. I give another small wave mouthing "I'll be fine" and walk with Zeke out of the house.

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