Chapter 48: Bubble Bath

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Free at last! I walk out of my last final exam, a huge weight lifted off my chest. I stroll over to Jamie's house content and walk into her vividly detailed room. Her dirty blonde hair is thrown up into a lazy bun as she lays out on her red bed. Her fingers are dancing across her computer as she types into it.

"Hey James!" I say throwing myself down next to her.

Her eyes meet mine. "Hey Em."

"What's up with you? Shouldn't you have started packing?" I say observing that not a single item is out-of-place. I already have most of my belongings ready to go back home for winter break.

"Oh, yeah." She palms her forehead. "I completely spaced. Without you around, I forget the important stuff."

I nudge her with my shoulder.

"Well, I can help you out. I also brought some semi-good news. I came to invite you to a party Sebastien is throwing."

She shuts her laptop. "You inviting me to a party? I am so intrigued."

"It's a 'foam rave' as Bash calls it," I say putting it in air quotes and roll onto my back. "He somehow convinced me to go."

"That sounds awesome... but I think I am going to have to pass on it."

I blink stunned. Jamie refusing a party and me inviting her to one? What alternate universe is this?

"It didn't go well with Jeremy," she clarifies.

I slump, my entire mood dropping. "Oh, Jamie. I am so sorry," my voice softening.

"It's okay. It's my fault I waited too long. I was going to tell him about Matt, I really was, but then he asked me to be his girlfriend. So, I couldn't tell him then, obviously."

"What! You didn't tell me!" I burst out.

"Yeah, well it didn't last long," she huffs laying down next to me. "I immediately ended any communication with Matt once we were official. But I kept feeling guilty so I confessed a few days later that I was dating them both and slept with Matt. He got pretty upset about it," she mumbles. "The worst part is he wasn't disgusted with me like I thought. He looked more hurt I didn't trust to tell him earlier. He suggested we should just be friends for now."

"That doesn't sound like it is completely over though," I admit sullen.

"Maybe," she responds doubtful, her eyes tearing up.

"It's okay. He just needs a few days away and then he'll be begging to be back with you and if not, well, it's his loss," I joke to lighten the mood.

She giggles wiping her eyes. "Yeah, I mean I know I'll be fine either way. I just really liked him, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," I say more seriously. "It is a tricky situation and I can see both sides of it. You guys weren't on the same page and it really complicated things. Just give him some time, he deserves that...But hey, that means we can just spend the night together then! Ooo, how about a movie night!" I exclaim getting excited.

She shakes her head. "Oh, hell no girl. You are going to that party."

"Not without you," I declare.

"Yes you are. It will make me insanely happy. I have to pack anyway."


"No ifs or buts. You're going. You can't tell a recently dumped girl no," she informs me with a stern look.

"Okay, alright," I answer in defeat. I do not want to leave her alone, but I cannot change Jamie's mind. She's like a train coming your way. There's nothing you can do to stop it, you just have to jump on board with it.

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