Chapter 11: He's Only Cute if I'm Drunk

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Jamie responds to my recap of Brittany with her heavy make-out session with Tyler.

I haven't talked with him since tho. He isn't as good looking or entertaining as I thought when I wasn't drunk anymore :( onto the next (Jamie)

I shake my head at her absurdity. She's terrible. After we finish catching up, I take the train home. I walk up my driveway, noticing that neither Bash's motorcycle nor his car is in his driveway so I advance into my deadly-quiet house. I start my dinner, putting all the ingredients for spaghetti and a caesar salad together and sit at my grand table alone. I pull out a book and munch on my meal flipping through the pages.

Once finished, I follow up to my laundry room to work on the beer damage to Jamie's top from the other night. Even though she told me it was fine, I still feel accountable. I fiercely scrub at it until there is no mark left. I grin satisfied at my success and head upstairs. I look down as my phone buzzes from a text.

Hey girl! We are all going to the basement show tonight if you want to join. It's at 9pm. It'll be fun. Lmk xoxo (Jess)

I blink. She actually texted me. And a basement show? What even is that? I search it up on google and the loose definition coins it as a night event when local bands play in a party setting. Still recuperating from the last party, my immediate response is to turn it down. But for some reason I contemplate it a little more than I typically would as I plop down on my bed. I shortly realize driving there and back might not be realistic considering Bash carpooled this week and there aren't any direct trains to campus at night.

Hi! I am sorry. Thank you for the invitation, but my friend drove me home so I don't have a ride back to campus for tonight 😕.

I frown at my response realizing I don't have any plans. Both Jamie and Sebastien are most likely catching up with some old buddies, while my typical Saturday night is to get a start on next week's homework.

Oh no, how far do you live? (Jess)

I live in Ocean county it's about 35 min away.

We'll come to get you! (Jess)

I smile at her offering. No, it's ok! I'm good, thank you!

Do you not want to go? Or do you have other plans? (Jess)

No plans, but that's way too much of a hassle to ask of you.

She responds instantly. Nah it's cool send me your address. I'll use Jared's gas no biggie ;) you can even bring your stuff so you don't need a ride back for Monday (Jess)

I beam at her response. I never get many random invites from people so I can't help but be slightly curious. A surprising giddy feeling arises thinking about having a few new friends. I chew on my lip for a few minutes before I shoot her back a text with my address.

Thanks! On our way (Jess)

I spin over to my dresser and peruse my closet sincerely hoping this time will be a calmer party scene. I settle on a cute green leopard top, jeans, and some combat boots. I examine my reflection in the mirror pushing aside my springy curls and wavy locks. I am about 5'6" and pretty curvy in my hips and chest area. I attach some cute studs in my ear that match my shirt and I lean back to admire the combo. I have never been very insecure about my looks, just on the occasional bad day. Yet, I have always been extremely self-conscious about my personality. To be honest, I don't know which is a worse feeling.

After finally deciding on putting on a little makeup, I hear a car beep outside. I jump, almost stabbing my mascara wand into my eye at the sound. Taking a deep breath, I put down the dangerous wand and shut off all the lights before scurrying down the stairs.


A green Jeep is sitting in my driveway consisting of Jess, Luka, and Jared. Luka is lounging in the back and Jess and Jared are up in the front seat. They switch on the lights and I observe the exposed roof. Jess shouts a "Hi" to me and the rest of them chime along. I offer a weak wave in response struggling from the weight of my overnight bag. As I go to join Luka in the back, I'm struck by realizing that there is no back door.

"Um, guys how do I get in?" I mutter confused.

Jared looks at me with an amused grin through the passenger window. "You climb," he says simply.

"I...what?" I say flabbergasted.

Luka starts laughing at my expression.

"Here toss me your stuff," Luka says in between his laughs. I hand him my duffel bag through the window and then look up at the Jeep. I guess it isn't too bad of a climb. I try to put my foot on the tire, but that doesn't seem like a bright idea. So I place one foot on the ledge and attempt to swiftly pull my leg up and over, but it isn't working because I am too short. I hold onto the open roof and finally manage to haul myself up so I am half-sitting half-hanging on the rooftop bars. With a leap of courage, I jump into the seat. But of course, I should have tried to climb down. My very non-athletic body does not make it easy for me as I fall. My arms go flailing about and I land directly in Luka's lap. Shit! I quickly scramble to my side before I am completely on top of him, my breathing uneven. Meanwhile, Luka has not stopped laughing amused at my clumsiness and clearly unharmed. I rub my shoulder a bruise probably forming.

"Well, that's the first time I've seen that happen," Jared says buoyantly. I try to recover from my embarrassment and place my duffle bag into my lap. I glance up front and notice Jess driving, but I am assuming this must be Jared's car by Jess's text.

"So this is your car Jared?" I ask him trying to pull myself together.

"Yes, you like?"

"I would like it more if it had four doors," I comment still irritated that I embarrassed myself in less than five minutes. Jess chuckles at my response.

"Doors are overrated. By the way, your house is huge you parents must have awesome jobs. What do they do?" Jared turns around to look at me over the passenger's seat.

"I guess," I mutter looking back at my house as we pull away. "My mom's a lawyer for her firm and my dad is an ophthalmologist."

"Wow, that's awesome!" Luka says.

"Yeah, totally explains the big house," Jared exclaims. I just mumble a noise in agreement not wanting to continue the topic on my parents.

Feeling less awkward over the incident I whisper to Luka, "I never been to a basement show before. What should I expect?"

"They're pretty chill. It's just some up-and-coming bands playing some music. Some people drink and stuff, but they are never too crazy. Nothing like the party we were at."

I nod my head my worry lessening a smidge. I have never went to a concert so maybe this could be fun. Bash has invited me to concerts in the past, but he has a habit of coming up with plans super last-minute without giving me enough time to mentally prepare. Thinking of Bash reminds me I should text him. I quickly shoot out a text to my parents, Bash, and Jamie that I am heading back to school tonight. After messaging them, I sit back and try to relax.

 After messaging them, I sit back and try to relax

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