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25 years later

"Harps?" Willie called out from outside my dressing room, rapping his fist against the door.

"Come in," I yelled back; seconds later, Willie poofed in, his hair still messy from the helmet he always wore, "what's up, Will?" I ask, smirking at him through my reflection in the mirror.

"Caleb said he needs us in his dressing room pronto; Maya is already there," I nodded; Willie, Maya, and I had always been Caleb's right-hand men (and woman), so it didn't surprise me that he'd called in the three of us. It had actually been a while since Caleb has tasked the three of us to do something, so this better be good. I nod at Willie, poofing out of my dressing room and into the owner of the club's room. Willie appears next to me seconds later.

"Ah, there she is," Caleb claps his hands together, referring to me; out of everyone who works for Caleb, I was his favorite, no question. everyone else was treated as staff, while I was treated like a daughter, his own family. "I stumbled upon something interesting while out on Hollywood Boulevard earlier," Maya and I shared a grin, nodding for him to continue, "three boys, and I think they'd be perfect fits for the club."

"Why didn't you get them while you were there?" Maya asked; I guess she had a point; Caleb can be very persuasive when he needs to be; if he wanted, those boys would be here right now.

"These boys are," He paused, trying to find the right word to say, "different, special; I can feel it." Caleb's "feelings" were never wrong; he says he felt the same when he saw me the first time, he had sent Maya to find me directly after, knowing I would respond to her better, and he wasn't wrong; he never was.

"So, which one of us do you need to grab them?" Willie asked; unlike both Maya and I, his voice was always full of much more caution when Caleb was around; I could never tell if it was out of fear or respect.

"There's a reason I called all three of you in, dear Willie," Caleb said in a sickly-sweet voice, a mischievous grin on his face, "There are three of these boys, and three of you; I have a feeling this is going to be a team effort." I furrowed my brows; in my 25 years of knowing Caleb, we had never worked as a team, we never had to; every ghost we've encountered has jumped at the chance to join the club, who wouldn't.

"A team effort?" I scoffed; unlike Willie, I had zero fear of Caleb; I obviously respected him, but that never stopped me from being sarcastic, "What's so special about these boys? I bet I could get them to join right now."

"Alright," Maya crossed her arms, a glimmer of teasing in her eyes, "do it."

"Girls," Caleb held his arms out, gesturing for us to stop; Maya and I were like sisters; one minute we'd be laughing, and the best of friends, the next we'd be bickering and teasing one another, "what part of, working together do you not understand?"

"When are we starting?" Willie asked, changing the conversation; I smiled gratefully at him, that was Willie for you; unlike Caleb, Maya, and I, he put everything and everyone above himself. I sometimes doubted if he actually liked the club but always pushed it away; Willie loved it here, he loved me, and the freedom he had to skate in the afternoons; he would never trade that for anything.

"Tomorrow," Caleb said, "and because you're clearly the most mature ghost here, you get to start." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms in frustration, "Hollywood Boulevard, tomorrow; I have a feeling you'll find them there."

"Tomorrow," Willie nodded, "you've got it, boss."

"As for you two," Caleb turned to face Maya and me, acting as if he was a dad scolding his two daughters, "your time will come," I groaned; I thought I'd get to do something in this scheme, now all he wants us to do is wait, "that's all for now, you may go." He shooed us away with his hand; Willie teleported out of the room, Maya following behind.

"Goodnight, Caleb," I saluted.

"Goodnight, Harper," He nodded, a smile replacing the scowl he was wearing; I nodded back before teleporting to where Maya and Willie were, my dressing room.

"Why do we always hang out in my dressing room?" I groan, plopping next to Willie on the couch.

"Because," Maya began, tapping my red lipstick onto her lips, "you have the most snacks and comfiest couches." I wanted to argue, but we all knew it was true; my dressing room was huge and definitely the homiest.

"Well, you two are the only other ghosts I want in here, so," I held my finger up to my lip, "shhh about the snacks."

"My lips are sealed," Willie pretended to zip his lips shut, shoving a piece of candy into his mouth first.

"So, who do you think these new ghosts are?" I ask; if there was one thing I loved more than recruiting new people, it was making predictions before they arrived; Maya, Willie, and I would always try and guess what they did, how they died, and sometimes what they looked like.

"They better not be old," Maya said; I couldn't help but agree with her, I mean, obviously, we all stopped aging anyway, but all the newer ghost arrivals have been way older, "I'm hoping they're hot," Willie and I shared a look, rolling our eyes.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up," I tell her; in my 25 years here, I'd never seen a boy who even came close to the one I used to call mine, so long ago, "how do you think they died?" I ask Willie this time; Like me, he'd also been hit by a car; maybe that was why the two of us got along so well; we have mutual trauma.

"Hmm," Willie ponders, "did all three die together?" I shrug; I assumed so if Caleb was grabbing all three at the same time, "my vote is they went skydiving, and their parachutes didn't open."

"Why?" I asked; Willie just shrugged in return, "Well, I guess we'll figure out tomorrow, which we expect a full recap when you get back."

"Especially if they're cute," Maya adds; I roll my eyes but nod anyway; maybe having new cute boys wouldn't be so bad, but I'd never admit that to anyone, boys make you weak, I don't need that in my life.

^ Harpers outfit

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^ Harpers outfit


Disclaimer: I read a fan theory somewhere that Caleb was controlling Willie the entire time, (him meeting Alex, bringing the boys to the club, etc.) and really liked it, so that is where my inspo is coming from. I'm not sure if this theory is canon or not, so I just thought I'd clarify.

The Other Side of Hollywood | Luke Patterson Where stories live. Discover now