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Besides the whole Luke confessing he was still in love with me and me being confused about how I really felt thing, last night was actually okay; Reggie, Alex, and Luke all acted like they used to, it felt like despite everything that has changed, the three of them haven't, I really think they'll agree to come to the club soon. Conveniently, none of them have been jolted whenever I'm around, which I appreciate. I plan on getting them to the club before they get worse; they definitely can't figure out what's going on before then, they'll never trust me again after they learn the truth.

"Boys, guess what," Reggie poofed into the studio; Alex and Luke were both fiddling with their instruments while I sat on the couch, flipping through some old photo books I'd found of Julie's family. I cleared my throat, sending a playful glare in Reggie's direction, "and Harper," He added bashfully, "I have news."

"What is it?" Luke asked, nodding impatiently for Reggie to go on.

"Julie's dad didn't make her quit the band," Reggie finally announced; all three of the boys let out breaths of relief while I forced a thin-lipped smile on my face, seriously? Her constantly being in and out of the band is making my plan a lot more complicated than it actually is, "and we have a gig tonight!"

"Sweet!" Luke exclaimed, holding his hand out for Alex to high-five, "I'll get working on the setlist now."

"Harper, are you gonna come?" Alex asked; all three of the boys looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah," I nodded, smiling reassuringly, but first, I needed to get back to the club; I could really use Maya's words of wisdom right now, "I wouldn't miss it." As much as I hated to admit this, I didn't want to miss it; seeing the boys perform again reminded me of simpler times, of being alive.

"Do you wanna help me with the setlist Harps," Luke asked, gesturing to the songbook sitting on the coffee table.

"Sure," I nod, smiling at him lightly, "um, there's something I need to do first though," I stand up from the couch, I really need to go see Maya before anything else happens, "I'll see you guys in a bit," I reassured, before poofing away into Maya's dressing room, "Maya, I need-" I stopped once I saw who was sitting in her dressing room with her, Caleb sat in the couch, stirring a cup of tea, while Maya who was usually chill and relaxed in her dressing room sat stiffly, she seemed almost nervous, which was out of character for her, "Caleb," I greeted, nodding at him; I guess I should have been expecting a meeting with Caleb sooner rather than later, but what am I supposed to say, "My ex-boyfriend professed his love, and I might feel the same way." If I told him that, Caleb would one hundred percent take me away from this plan like he did Willie, and I'm not too sure if I'm ready for it to be over.

"Harper," He greeted, a mischievous grin on his lips, "please come sit; Maya was just updating me on everything she knew so far; how's our plan coming along?"

"The boys trust me," I began with, that seemed like the only thing that Caleb would approve of, "I have a feeling they will say yes to your offer very soon." Hopefully...

"Very good," Caleb nods approvingly, "I knew I could count on you Harper," Usually, I would feel proud hearing Caleb's compliment, but all I felt right now was an immense amount of guilt, "I should be going, someone has to run this club after all." And just like that, he poofed away, leaving Maya and I alone at last.

"Okay, so now that he's gone," Maya started, leaning her head on her hands, "wanna tell me what's really going on?" I really did, but I can't do it here; Caleb has eyes and ears everywhere in this club, and if he heard me tell Maya what I'm about to say, He'd never trust me with one of his plans again.

"Uh, yeah," I nodded, "but we need to go somewhere else," I informed her; before she could respond, I grabbed onto her wrist, poofing her to a park Luke, and I used to visit when we were together. Luckily for us, it was empty, meaning the two of us could sit on the swings without having to worry about some random child coming over.

"So," Maya sang impatiently, "now I'm even more curious, spill."

"It's nothing too exciting," I shrug nonchalantly, "just Luke confessing he's still in love with me."

"Shut up," She exclaimed loudly, her eyes wide in shock, "wow, Harper, when I said turn up the charm, I wasn't meaning make him fall in love with you; I'm impressed." She nodded approvingly, "how'd you respond?"

"I told him I wasn't sure how I felt," I answer, swishing the sand below me around with my shoe, "He agreed to be friends, so the plan is still on track."

"That's good then," She encouraged me, "there's no way he'll say no to coming to the club now."

"Yeah, it's just," I paused, trying to think of how to say this next part, "I don't know how I feel; being around the boys again is confusing me." It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders; I needed to talk to someone about this.

"Oh," Maya responded, her brows furrowed in confusion; seconds later, realization hit her, and her expression softened, "Harps, you're not getting attached, are you? Cause you know that if they don't agree to come to the club, they're going to-"

"I know," I interrupted her; I didn't need to be reminded of what would happen if the plan didn't succeed, "It's not like I wanted this to happen."

"What are you gonna do?" She asked, frowning at me; that was the thing about Maya; even though I knew she didn't approve of my feelings, she wasn't going to judge me for them; if anything, she felt bad for me.

"I don't know," I mumble, running my fingers through my hair, "Maya, I think I feel the same way," I admitted; I hated that I felt the same way, I hated how much I missed being with him.

"Oof feelings," She winced, "that's not my area of expertise." I chuckled, nodding in agreement; it wasn't mine either, I've only ever had one boyfriend, and we all know how that ended, "just go with the flow, Harps, once they join the club, you can decide what you want to be to Luke."

"You're right," I nodded, even though it was easier said than done, I've never been one to go with the flow, I'm a planner, "just please don't tell-"

"I won't tell Caleb," She cut me off; I smiled at her thankfully, "you should get going though, the boys will get suspicious." She's probably right; I'd told them I'd be back soon, "it's gonna be okay, Harper, all you need to do is get them to come to the club; then things can go back to normal." She reassured, poofing away before I can respond; I sighed; I don't think I can ever go back to normal, seeing Luke again has changed everything, and I'm not sure if I want to go back.

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Harper has finally admitted she feels the same way...

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