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"I knew it," Reggie exclaimed as he and Alex poofed into the studio. Luke and I were still behind the piano; my head rested on his shoulder as I played random melodies on the piano; the two of us hadn't stopped talking since our kiss, I guess we had a lot to catch up on. "You're back together?" He asked, his eyes full of excitement; Luke and I both nodded, "Finally," Reggie sighed, throwing himself onto the couch. I chuckled at Reggie's overdramatic response before getting up from the piano bench, Luke trailing behind me.

"Yeah, we're gonna make it work," I nod; as much as I wanted to bring up the club now, Luke had promised me he would do it later, he wanted them to "rock their performance," before he did, his words not mine.

"Well, I'm really happy for you guys," Alex nodded, smiling brightly at the two of us before sitting on the couch next to Reggie; I knew Reggie and Alex would be, I also had no doubt that they'd say yes to Luke's "part-time" plan, everything was going so well; I can't wait to tell Maya and Caleb, "so should we get rehearsing?" Alex asked, sitting in the space beside Reggie; I sat on the arm of the chair Luke sat on, and the three of them began working on the song for tonight. I could tell you that I tried my best to pay attention, but that would be a lie as the three of them talked amongst themselves about the song and quietly played along; my mind wandered to what I was going to say to Caleb. I mean, I'd gotten the boys to agree to come sometimes, but I knew in the back of my mind that wouldn't be enough, Caleb is going to force them to stay forever; I reassure myself that the boys won't be mad, they'll realize it's all for the best, and move on.

"I was thinking we add the echoes during the chorus, then Julie comes in with the melody," Luke announced, leaning forward to look at his songbook on the table, "what do you think, Harps?"

"That sounds cool," I nod, breaking myself out of my thoughts; Alex and Reggie nod in agreement. "Ooo, and what if you-"before I could finish my suggestion, a thud from outside the studio cut me off; all of our eyes wandered over to the closed door; crap, Willie ducked down as soon as we looked over. Not only is he supposed to stay away from Alex and the boys, but he's also not supposed to know I'm here; this isn't good.

"Again?" Reggie asked, his brows furrowed with confusion, "what's that all about?" He glanced back at me, which made sense, I knew Willie better than anyone; I just shrugged in response, acting as if I was just as confused as they were.

"I don't know," Alex mumbled; I hate how upset he looked, I wish I could just tell him that Willie isn't choosing to run, but unfortunately, I can't. "I'm gonna find out, though," Alex decided, poofing out of the studio.

"Have you spoken to Willie recently?" Luke asked, turning to face me; he was clearly very worried about his friend.

"No," I frown, which was the truth; it had been a couple of days since we'd last talked. "I've been with you guys, so I haven't seen anyone from the club; I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding though," I reassure; I cannot let Willie get in the way of the plan working if he tells the boys about the small downfalls of joining the club, they won't trust me ever again.

"You're right," Luke nodded, believing my response; a couple of days ago, lying to the boys came to me so naturally, but now, I had a guilty pit in my stomach. As soon as Alex entered the studio again, we all watched him anxiously, waiting for him to say something. It was obvious Willie had said something that hurt him; I worried he said something about me or warned him about the club, but Alex just went and sat behind his drums, avoiding our questioning stares.

"So, are we rehearsing or what?" Alex finally spoke; Luke and I shared both shared a glance, something definitely happened outside that he's not telling us about; Luke squeezes my hands before standing up to join Alex and Reggie. I take the seat he sat in, watching the three of them as they rehearse. It sounds good at first, until the drums kick in, Alex raps against the drums harshly with his sticks, as if he's letting out all the anger, frustration, and hurt he was feeling; what did Willie say to him? Both Reggie and Luke notice too, because soon they both stop playing their instruments, allowing Alex to hit his drums as loudly and offbeat as he wants to. I stand up from my spot, walking over to the boys as Alex slowly realizes that he's the only one playing.

"Is everything okay, Alex?" I ask; while I feel bad for my friend, I'm also anxious that Willie warned him about joining the club or Caleb, which would make me look bad.

"Yeah, yeah," Alex nods, not sounding convincing in the slightest, "Why?"

"I know it's tough, man," Reggie reassures him, trying to comfort him, "People say you never forget your first ghost; maybe that's true." I furrow my brows, I don't think that's the saying, but I guess it's the thought that counts, "but... I'm sure there will be others."

"Yeah," Alex nodded; he still seemed sad though, "thanks, Reg."

"I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding," I reassure him; I cannot have him and Willie on bad terms; it'll mess up the plan, and I know how much they care about one another. Alex shrugs, not very hopeful about my response, dang it.

"And, Alex, you're a great drummer and a great guy, okay?" Luke added, I smiled and nodded in agreement, "I wouldn't let all that stuff get in between you and what you love?" I furrow my brows, shaking my head; sometimes, true love is sacrificing things we love for the other person. Alex doesn't need to have one or the other, and if he comes to the club, he doesn't have to choose between his music and Willie.

"I don't know," I finally say, causing Luke to turn back at me, "sometimes you don't have to give one up for the other; you can have the person you love and do the things you love. If I see Willie, I'll talk to him," I reassure Alex; I know the only reason Willie is staying away is because of Caleb, and he knows I'm here now. I guess visiting him soon wouldn't cause any harm, especially now that Luke has agreed he and the boys are going to come to the club.

"Thanks, Harper," Alex nodded, smiling up at me; he seemed a lot more genuine with his responses now than before; I'd actually been able to help him.

"Of course," I nod, the guilty pit in my stomach returned; I finally felt like I was friends with the boys again; they'll still want that when they learn the truth, right? I mean, it's not a huge lie, and at first, I was being fake, but now, I'm being one-hundred percent real, they have to realize I didn't have a choice, "Ooo Luke, I was thinking, what if you add a guitar solo at the bridge?" I break away from my thoughts; the plan was working, why am I worrying so much; so instead, I push my thoughts away, hang out with the boys and ignore the guilty feeling that won't go away.

Sorry for the late update... this weekend was kind of rough
Love you all!

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