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The party was already going on by the time we got to the main area of the club, the guests all crowded near the front, dancing along to the band; Caleb was in his usual spot, the center of the stage, a jazzy tune playing as he sang around the stage.

"You got nothing to lose," Caleb scatted around the stage; I instantly spotted Maya off to the side; she was fully adorned in a glittery costume, dancing along with all the other dancers. I could tell she didn't want to be up there though, the usual glimmer in her eyes from performing was gone; she looked totally and utterly miserable, her eyes drifting around the club anxiously as she performed. Drums started playing, and I shut my eyes for a moment, knowing what was about to happen. "Alex," On cue, Caleb moved aside, revealing Alex. His eyes were wide with fear, now dressed in a pink suit; I could feel Willie tense beside me at the sight of him. "show me what you got," I grabbed Willie's hand, squeezing it comfortingly, "Reggie, swingin' baby." The bass player poofed in, looking just as nervous as the Alex, also wearing a new suit, one only Caleb would pick out for someone. I glanced between him and Maya, she was still dancing, but her eyes never left the boy on the stage; the guilt on her face was evident. "Now Luke," I held my breath, the guitar riff picking up before he appeared; as Luke entered from the side of the stage, I could tell by the look on his face he was trying to fight back, but Caleb's magic was too strong. All three of them were on stage with Caleb now, all bouncing along to the music with pained expressions.

"Harper," Willie mumbled, loud enough that only I could hear, I hummed in response, unable to tear my eyes away from Luke; he looked handsome in the navy blue suit Caleb gave him, his hair was styled, pushed back in an adorably messy manner. If the circumstances were different, all I'd be able to focus on is how cute he looks, but nothing was ever that easy for Luke and I; instead, all I worried about was their safety. "They're being forced to play."

"I know," I mumbled, my hand squeezing Willie's hand even tighter as if everything depended on it; he didn't complain though, he just squeezed back. My heart broke even further as I watched Luke's eyes dance around the crowd, looking for me; I doubted he'd find me, I'd put the wig on my head for a reason. His eyes found mine, though, connecting with mine as soon as he found me; seeing me sent a look of relief to his face for a brief moment; I had to smile at that, leave it to Luke to be worried about me at this moment.

"You're gonna be okay," I mouthed, I didn't even know if that was true anymore, but it's what he needed to hear; Luke didn't nod or do anything to respond; instead, the worried expression returned he didn't believe me. The song finished a minute later, and I fully expected the boys to continue along as Caleb sang, but they didn't. One minute they were on the stage, the next minute they'd poofed away. Caleb glanced around the stage, his expression a mixture of anger and confusion; uh oh.

"We need to go," I said, pulling Willie towards the grand staircase, "now!" I ran as fast as my short legs would carry me, Willie now taking the lead; we need to get out of the club; as long as we're in here, we'll never be able to poof away. I can't explain it, but it's almost like the walls of the club make Caleb stronger.

"And where do you think you're going," He poofed right in front of the only exit, a smug smirk dancing across his lips.

"Caleb, you don't have to do this," I reason with him; a part of me wanted to believe Caleb was the ghost I'd believed him to be all these years.

"Oh, Harper," Caleb scoffed, shaking his head in amusement, "That's where you're wrong; those boys have unique abilities; I would be naïve to let them wander free." Power, that's all he's ever cared about.

"Just let Harper go see them, please," Willie pleaded, stepping forward, so he was beside me, "all she wants to do is say goodbye."

"And who's to say she will return," Caleb eyed me up and down suspiciously; he didn't trust me; every privilege I've ever had has been stripped away from me; I was truly trapped at the club now.

"Caleb," I let out a breath as Maya poofed in beside him, "I looked everywhere for them; they're gone," she informed him breathlessly, and hopefully at the Orpheum, I thought to myself.

"Ah Maya," Caleb greeted, a malicious smile on his face; he still believed she was on his side, "Your friends here were trying to go see our new band too," Caleb informed her; Maya nodded, glancing over at me slightly as Caleb gestured to us.

"They're not your new band," I snapped; I had no patience left for Caleb.

"Harper," Maya shook her head, acting as if I was being disrespectful, "Caleb isn't the bad guy here. The boys are new to being ghosts; he just wants to help them," She reminded me; if you didn't know Maya, you'd think she was being honest, but I knew her well enough to know when she was acting, she fidgets with the ends of her dress anxiously, a classic tell that Maya wasn't being genuine. "Look, Caleb," She turned to look at the owner of the club, "Let me take Harper and Willie to say goodbye; they at least deserve that."

"Because I am generous, I'll let you go," I waited for the ultimatum, this was Caleb after all, "But," there it is, "he stays," he points to Willie, "that way the both of you have a reason to return; I doubt you'd want to leave your friend here alone."


"Okay," Willie nods, cutting me off before I could argue with Caleb. He was smart; he knew if he let the three of us out of here, we'd never come back; there was still a part of him that could see through Maya's façade, "Thank you, Caleb," Tears brimmed his eyes, but before Caleb could notice them he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Willie," I mumbled, so quiet only he could hear me, "We'll come back, I promise,"

"No," He mumbled into my hair, "stay far away from here, please," I want to object, but I fear I'll be too loud, and Caleb will hear, "Just tell Alex that I," He paused, but he didn't need to finish his sentence, I understood.

"I will," I nodded, pulling away from the hug, "I'll see you when we get back," I told him, moving to stand beside Maya, "thank you, Caleb," I nod stiffly at the head of the club.

"We'll tell Alex you said bye," Maya informed him, smiling sadly, before grabbing my hand, "See you soon," we poofed out onto the streets, directly in front of the Orpheum, "we're not going back, are we?" Maya asked; neither of us had bothered to walk into the club yet. I shook my head guiltily; I wanted to leave the club more than anything, but I'd always imagined it being the three of us. "we're gonna find a way to get Willie out of there," She reassured, squeezing my hand, "but first, let's go find our boys."

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The Other Side of Hollywood | Luke Patterson Where stories live. Discover now