#6: Hidden Lake

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"It should be here.." Y/n whispered silently while looking at the books on the bookshelves. When Y/n didn't find anything, she slowly started to walk while still looking at titles of every book she passed by.

Her e/c eyes stopped at one book that is unfortunately, placed on the top. Y/n tried reaching it but her hands barely got it. She was about to gave up when someone reach it out for her.

Y/n whipped her head to the side and surprised to see Iida helping her, "Iida?"

Iida only smiled and give the book Y/n was trying to reach out into, "You're already studying for English?" he curiously ask.

Y/n flipped some pages first to confirm that it was the book she wanted then nod at Iida, "...I just wanna be prepared when it comes to having an activity by pair.. you know since my partner is Bakugou," she said.

Iida raised his eyebrows at this, "I understand, but I think Bakugou is already capable when it comes to English, he just got the temper but I assure you his smart," Iida said.

Y/n looked at Iida and let out a chuckle, "I know, I know. I've only been here in weeks and I already can see that.." Y/n said remembering seeing how good Bakugou is in every subject and especially in combat skills, "... It's just.. I'm doing this because I don't want him to anger or hate me because I'm not good at English," she added.

Iida looked at her registering what she said, when it registered it looks like he got a bulb beside his dark blue hair, "Oh really!? Then do you want me to tutor you!?" Iida excitedly said his voice getting a little bit higher than usual.

Y/n was startled but did a whispering sign and looked both sides, she let out a sigh of relief when the librarian didn't came, "I think I'm good by myself Iida," she said but it looks like Iida didn't understand it.

"What do you mean? I will gladly help!" he said lowering slightly his voice this time but the excitement and the idea of spending more time with you is endlessly running on his mind.

Y/n looked at him confused, "Iida, I don't think that will work, both and I have partners for a reason," she said trying to make Iida realize.

But, Iida looked at her confused, "Exactly, but you're gonna study by your own.. so it's fine if I should join right?" he said, that left you speechless but you open your mouth one more time to make a alibi but Iida continued, "Great! I will see you this Saturday, nine in the morning in the living room of our dorm!"

"Wha-," Y/n didn't even finish what you're gonna say, Iida already run as fast as he can towards the exit of the library. He knows you won't reject him if he just ran now.

Meanwhile, Y/n blinked her eyes and looked at the space where Iida was standing. She didn't know what to react, she didn't even expect that coming from Iida, but she can't do anything now, since the man looks very happy about it.

She silently groan but a small smile left her lips, "I hope that everything goes well, I guess.." she said as she decided that it's already time for her to go towards the exit and go find a place to read the books she picked. Class was already done but she doesn't want to go back at the dorm.

When she started to walk towards the exit, she talked to the librarian first to have a permission to use the books she picked, she didn't notice someone looking at her retreating back.

That someone heard every conversation from the start to end, unconsciously biting down her lips from frustration. It was her sole reason why she was trying to find Y/n in the first place, base on her observation, she noticed that Y/n was suffering slightly from their subject English from this past few weeks, So, she taught this is her chance to talk to Y/n or even help her when it comes to English, but sadly Iida beat her to it.

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