#12: ?¿?

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Y/n looked at her set of towels first before deciding that she already have enough for two weeks. As she was folding the last cloth she has, she heard someone knocked at the door. 

"Y/n! It's me, Uraraka. I'm here to fetch you!" A cheerful voice said that made her instantly stood up and open the door. Uraraka immediately smiled at Y/n, which Y/n returned back. Uraraka immediately notices her luggage and offers some help.

"Do you need some help? I could lend you a hand!" 

Y/n immediately shakes her head indicating no, "No need, I was about to finish up. Wait for me will you?" she said asking nicely as she can. Uraraka once again gleefully nods, "Ok! Let's be seat buddies in the bus too, is that okay?" she asks but it's obvious she doesn't want Y/n to say no. 

Y/n who is slightly confused asked first, "You don't want to sit with Midoriya or Iida?" She asks. On which Uraraka flinched slightly her smile wavered but she holds herself back. She blinks before beaming once again.

"I don't want to sit with any of them! I want you!" she straightforwardly said. Y/n got surprised at the sudden reply but smiled nonetheless, "okay then," This made Uraraka smile even more, "I'll be waiting for you downstairs then!" She exclaimed on which Y/n just nod. 

When the door closed and Uraraka started to walk downstairs, her smile fell down and a frown was seen on her face, "Why would Y/n think that? I want her and only her," but then the thought of you being her seat buddies made her smile once more, suddenly her face turned normal as if she didn't make a face of horror earlier. 

After Y/n finished with her luggage, she got down to see Uraraka patiently waiting for her. She called out for her and they walked together towards their bus.

Y/n smiled while listening to Uraraka's stories, but they got interrupted when they heard someone calling out for y/n.

“Y/n! Hey! I've been waiting for you, I already have the four of us a sit!” Mikhail said while walking towards the two women. Y/n who is looking skeptical while the other was oddly silent, her grip in her bag slightly getting stronger.

“Oh, I'm sorry but I promised Uraraka that I will be sitting with her, sorry khail” Y/n said, Mikhail got quiet but looked at the girl who have a smile. A smile that he knew very well.

A fake smile.

“Ah, I'm sorry Mikhail-kun, hope you don't mind,” Uraraka said with a fake sweet tone.

Mikhail wanted to protest but before he could speak Uraraka pulled Y/n inside the bus. Y/n was surprised by the action that she didn't react on time. Mikhail was left there alone without even saying anything.

When the two entered the bus, Uraraka instantly sat down at the second row. She looked at Y/n and smiled at her, “Let's sit here shall we?” she said.

Y/n wanted to ask her why did she did that earlier but just shake it off. As Y/n sat down, Uraraka didn't waste any more time and talk about stories once again.

“.. That's why I accidentally got that hello kitty charger, I was so embarrassed that I was teased the next day seriously,” She said.

Y/n gave out a laugh, “That's cute though, let me borrow it sometimes? Ah, wait do you even still have it?”

Instantly, Urarakas rosy cheeks turned more red. The word 'cute' came for you after all. That's the first praise she got from you.

“Y-yes! I will lend it to you sometime!” Uraraka said with full of enthusiasm.

Y/n just simply nod and got her phone when she felt it vibrate, she made a small chuckle when she saw who is it from.

Uraraka who noticed this, slightly leand closer to see the white-haired man named 'Maikhail' texted y/n. Uraraka grits her teeth but stopped herself, and got her cellphone to distract herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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