33. Fly to Shiketsu

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My gawd. I was typing this during a zoom lecture and my prof was like.

"What do you want to share in class?"

•_• ......... djfudidhuskdhris ‐----------- O_O

I looked up from shock and saw that my video and audio were closed. It was my classmate who was going to report 😭 😭 😭

My heart stopped for a sec. Then I just continued writing after laughing so hard.





Little Y/n with her butterfly jetpack flew away.








Who knows.








Because Mei's Butterfly-Jetpack-inator mulfunctioned and boosted into the unknown...




This is where the story continuous...

In the not so far far away south-- still in Japan tho, a prestigious school also to be on par with UA's hero standards, Shiketsu high.

Inasa yawned from the morning sun, shining brightly that even reached the seat he sat on next to the window. The view of the puffy clouds and the blue sky made everything serene and it's making him drowsy.

It would be such a perfect afternoon.




Well nope. Not until he opened his eyes again to see something coming his direction. It was fast and obviously unstable in nature considering his quirk being related to the wind itself.

What could it be? A drone? A plane? Or a bomb?

Dozens of ideas came into his head in a matter of seconds. Until he wasn't able to come up with any, because that something rocketed inside his open window, making him disengage his quirk to stop it.

He wouldn't get in trouble if he did right? In the first place, it was self defense. With the amount of wind he's accumulated through the surrounding area, he focused on stopping that one force that may be the end of his life.

The students around who were chatting also stopped and watched how he's faring.

Soon the jet stopped. And when he was able to get a clear view he was as shocked as the others. The shape of a giant butterfly came to view.

"What is this?!" He asked, almost horrified to see the giant insect(it's mr. Aizawa's evolved caterpillar form).

But it bacame more and more clear. Because what's next was bound to shock him and everyone else. It was not a butterfly, but a kid wearing something similar. It now landed on her feet in front of him with all the nonchalance in the world.

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