41. I Am Inevitable

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Mei craddled her friend's shoulder up staring at the woman that no longer had that peaceful sleep.

Her beautiful image now mangled and covered with blood. She held the same cold hands while her entirety shook.

While the heroes are busy trying to snatch Thanos' earned gauntlet, the students were still stunned from what happened right in front of them.

It was a clear murder of their fellow students. Her agonizing scream still pierces the ears and stabs the heart as of the world is weeping for her.

Y/n always thinks that this world is nothing but a mess and believed it until the very moment she slept.

It was a mess and decided not to do anything about it at all, ignoring the prejudices, the harrassments, the crimes, or any disgusting occurences that you may believe or not, existed in this messy world.

She decided to keep quiet and listen and put a blind eye because it was never her choice to interfere with whatever the human mind is set to do.

Why, you ask?

Because she simply didn't care. Or she can't feel care and she can't feel the disgust. She was just a doll created to walk, she was given a personality to uphold, given a life by six existence that didn't bother to give her everything a human must have psychologicaly.

Which takes us now to her growth...

Y/n is young. Too... young in comparrison to what life she is currently leading. As human, she is a baby, a one-year-old. But concluding that the stones didn't want to be taken cared of, the Y/n they had imagine was someone who was neither young or old.

Someone who can move on their own and someone who can blend in and can at least do something productive. So they decided that Y/n should be in high school years. Though they did think about college, but where's the fun in that?

Now, going back to Y/n being too young. Like any other new born babies, Y/n had to learn emotions on her own. But too bad, before she could learn other emotions, her intelligent mind already figured out how troublesome it would be if she ever did... but alas, emotion is quite unstoppable foe for humans and Y/n herself couldn't stop the urge to feel emotions herself.

But because she didn't like that idea, she became lazy and incompetitive. Everything done by the stones' interest and Y/n followed it like a doll. She is a doll, manned by six infinity stones. And as days passed with the people who started following around her, she became quite irritated.

This school, this city, this country, this world. The people that inhabited it are irritating and she hated it.

But she chose to stay.

It was her choice.

And she didn't live long to make another decision as of the matter.

"You can't die Y/n! You can't. Not again, please!" Mei cried.

Y/n could hear her through the stones in Thanos' hand despite the chaos.

She can hear everything. She can tell...

And it hurts to hear it.





At the continuous fight that included everyone, blood could be found everywhere you look.

People die and some are born. It's a natural law engraved in life.

But sometimes, life get's a little too small because before new generations come, old generations wouldn't make it and their èxistence would be threatened to die down into another page of history. You call that extinction.

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