11. Stones Under Protection

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Y/n Stone had not woken up for three days.

The glowing had stopped, however she still didn't regain consciousness while Recovery girl watched over her.

Within those days, Ultron explained the current situation in the space  as the incoming aliens are arriving little by little. Although unbelievable, the UA staff had no choice but to believe this AI. Reason being, that he had spoken clearly on behalf of Y/n.

"Y/n put in the program of what I needed to know. As per her knowledge, it seems that the End Game was already in its second phase to happen in this world." Ultron explained. "I am currently communicating with both sides. I can assure you that one of them came here to help. They call themselves the Avengers, earth's mightiest heroes together with the Guardians of the galaxy."

"And the other one?" Enji asked. This is the first time he's hearing things about aliens.

"They call themselves the salvation of all lives. They demanded me to kneel and entitle my loyalty to their savior who currently holds three infinity stones." Ultron was sarcastic at this point. "They wish to wipe out 50% of the population."

Gasps were heard in the room.

"As I am currently a weak and trashy piece of scrap who cannot defeat a single nomu, I could only contribute with the intelligence that I have." The robot said.

"So, about this infinity stones?" Midnight asked. She had been pondering about it for a while.

"Yes. There are six infinity stones within the multiverse. Power stone, mind stone, soul stone, reality stone, space stone and time stone. With this stones present, they help keep the balance of the universe from collapse." Ultron explained.

"But why would someone collect these stones if they are meant to keep the balance?" All might asked.

"The reason is unknown. However, according to the data miss Stone has added to my knowledge, collecting all six stone will give you the ultimate power to bend the universe as you see fit. In which, catering to what the said enemy wishes to achieve."

"So... he's aiming for the stone to wipe out 50% of the population?" Present mic summarized.

"Indeed. That is the case."

"And the stones? Why does Y/n knows about them?" Aizawa asked. He actually knew the answer. However, he wanted to hear the truth loud and clear.

"Miss Stone is the vessel of the six stones." Ultron confirmed. "You may be asking why she has done nothing about it. She only said that it is not her place to interfere what the inhabitance of the universe wish to do."

"Hah..." Enji sighed, the heave of this information was making his fire dance in faint and high.

"So it's probable that Y/n Stone was the one who caused that colorful meteor that hit earth a year ago?" Nezu questions.

Everyone looked at the principal interestedly. They began to recall that mysterious colorful lights that hit Japan. The colors that actually corresponded to the girl's powers.

They started piecing the puzzle together, realizing that it was most likely the case. With these talks of aliens and universe. Which means, she is indeed the cause of that giant crater in the outskirts.

"I have spoken with the heroes namely the Avengers and Guardians of the galaxy. I have given them our current coordinates in order to discuss what is going to be the plan." Ultron informed.

"What? So you're saying that we'll just let some unknown aliens come here and do what they want?" The flame hero asked.

"And why would you send the coordinates of the school? We cannot get the students in danger."

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