14. Ultron the AI Mom

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Half an hour had passed since the shocking event occured withing the League of villain's main force.

Within that time frame, Y/n finished two bags of snacks and ended up face planting on the table with laziness conquering her. Ultron who for some reason started doing chores, helped out Kurogiri with wiping some cups and dusting the corners of the room.

Shigaraki was shocked by this progress going on, still, his invitation of her joining the league was hanging as she just lay low there.

"Y/n. Are going to join the league or not?" He asked once again.

The girl ignored him and continued to face plant without even breathing.

"Are you dead?" Toga asked with a happy tone while dangling her feet left and right under the table.

Y/n ignored her as well.

"Ultron, she's dead. Can you be mine?" The sociopathic blonde then turned to the said robot who was dusting under the counter.

Ultron's head turned to her. "Well there is nothing I can do about it." He nonchalantly replied. "Just dangle some snacks in front of her, she'll revive." He added.

Himeko laughed out loud. "It feels like Y/n was the AI and you're the human. It really feels weird." She said.

Well she did have a point. Everyone were subconsciously nodding their head from Toga's commentary. AI Ultron can be sarcastic, formal, polite and emotional. The robot that Y/n created to cater her matters had all those emotions she almost as if doesn't have.

But honestly speaking, the girl was originally an AI. What she knows and understands came from the intelligence Tony Stark started. But now that she is a human she can have her own free will.

For Y/n, emotions are pain. Making them are tiring that it retracts her from what she originally want to do: to just lazily live. Imagine how the stones might've felt when they were scattered all over some universe being universal treasures or weapon to be locked up because of their powers? Millions of years... what are emotions for them now?

Creating an Ultron with emotional capability was just some thing she made out of mind stones memory. The tesseract known as space stone was originally in the hands of the dark elves and then locked up under Asgards high security treasury. The soul stone stayed dormant in the end of the earth, watching how many sarcrifices oneselves to have them. The time stone being on earth taken cared by the likes of dr. Strange for generations with their fair share of troubles to protect it. The power stone that was neglected by the guardians of the galaxy and was still taken efter all those deadly traps prepared to keep it. The Eather, Reality stone that was taken away from Knowhere that has been used for this place to function.

Y/n could only reference what the world is in Mind stone's life experience. Sure, she had soft spot on Wanda for that because she was once Vision. But that's all. With all of them together, emotion are nothing but bull of crap.

Well until Thanos put them to work and nearly destroyed them. That bitch pissed the stones of big time.

Y/n's hair began to glow red as she grumbled. She lazily raised her head while everyone from the league looked at her warily.

"Who's messing around again?" She asked.

Ultron quickly rose up. "Status report. I have not sighted any space craft around my range." He told her.

"That's why you're useless."

If Ultron had realistic eyes, he had already rolled it. "Oh, I'm sorry miss Stone. If you knew, then you should look into it than asking this useless piece of scrap metal." He sarcastically said.

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