27. Stones and Their Weakness

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I am caught up with my drafted ideas so imma have to contemplate another plotshit. Lmao.

This is the final update this year!

Advance happy new year to you all!!!!

Remember, sleep and eat well. Follow your hearts!


Quill slammed his hands on the table. "He killed Gamora..." he stated with contempt. "He killed Gamora just to get a piece of your damn stone! And you're saying you won't even put this into your concern?!"

Y/n eyed him sheepishly. "On my defense, I did not kill her."

Her words didn't help. It angered Quill even more, but his friends tried stop him. Everyone were looking at Y/n, searching her eyes for remorse, but there was none. She nonchalantly sighed.

"If you want to snap him out of existence, feel free to take the stones and do it yourself." She said in boredom.

Although that was harsh, they couldn't do anything about it. They have heard about the summary of what happened to the other universe and Thanos' plan on doing here as well. If anything, this is serious and the only ones who knew how menacing this creature is were the American heroes who were introduced.

But to think that the one they could rely the most was a child. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

The stones doesn't like it. How people think that they're the only ones the human race can rely on. That one stretch of hope while they looked at her being. She doesn't want that kind of look and it is very unpleasant.

"Just why?" Quill who they thought had calmed down started speaking again. "You're the reason we died once. How can you overlook the fact that you yourself is the sole reason for all of these chaos?" He accused.

"Quill, that's going out of line." Steve said looking him.

The leader of the guardians of the galaxy turned back to captain america. "So I'm not correct? You guys told me that in the span of five years, you lived in guilt because you couldn't stop him! He killed the people you loved with those stones--"

"Hey, hey, why don't you shut it? This isn't time for blames or who's right and wrong, alright." Tony cut off.

"What? You're also caught up with this play pretend daughter? She's not even human to begin with!"

"Watch what you say." Wanda stood up, offended by what the man had blurted. "The stones have their own unique set of existing emotions." She defended.

"Are you all crazy?! All we want is to stop Thanos! What better choices could there be if the ones that caused us to be this misearable would just snap that damn finger and eliminate him?!" He raised his voice. "But look, she says she doesn't want to kill living beings when she did damn well good on wiping 50% of everyone five years ago!"

It was the last straw.

Quill flew on the other side of the room from a blast. It made everyone stood up from shock, turning their heads towards Y/n who had not moved and was only drinking her boba. Behind her was ultron who still had his palm smoking from the blast he shot, robotic eyes emanating. "It seems that you do not understand Mr. Quill." The robot said calmly. "Miss Stone is doing what she can for you."

The half-alien stood up gritting his teeth. "Another utter bullshit." He spat.

The infinity stones very much didn't like this blame. They hid because they didn't want to be used in this kind of purpose. "So. It was my fault?" Y/n's tone was cold as she looked at the man blankly. "You creatures with brains who decides what's right and wrong, what are you then? Did we manipulated Thanos to do it? Were you our dolls all along, dancing alongside who knows who's choice?"

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