German Chaos (again...)

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I'm back! And since I couldn't fit in all the German stories in "German Chaos" (believe it or not), I am going to try to squish them all in here....😝
Hope you like it!❤️ Remember: comment & follow!


Part 3- Shrecklist all over again....

One day in German class (duh! Where else would it be?) a boy named _____ tried to gain a point on "Class Dojo", the interactive classroom app📱 that our teacher uses, by trying to say some word. 💬Now I can't exactly remember the word, but I'm sure it WAS pretty easy to pronounce....😳 Anyway. So the boy opened his mouth, confident, and said "BLASTFIST." The whole class covered their mouthes to muffle a laugh😄, so I guess that wasn't it. Then my friend said "Oh dear, it's Shrecklist all over again..." And then the boy smiled. 😉

Part 4-Ghost in the Classroom👻

One day........ No, that's not right. Find a better beginning, person. Hmmmmm..... Let's try this: Once in German class, we were in the middle of copying out an exercise when, ever so slightly, the door creaked open. The girl sitting next to the door looked at it to see if some random teacher would pop their head through it and ask to borrow a pupil, which is what usually happens in some lessons. Now you may think that it is weird, the concept of "borrowing" students, and makes you picture the teachers as kidnappers, asking for a child and not returning him/her back. Obviously, if teachers did that, our parents would take us out of the school and the school would lose pupils, and then would have to close down.... Oh dear. I am completely off subject. Now where was I? Oh yes. I was talking about the door opening..... But no one came through the door, not a head, not a hand..... So the girl closed the door. Few people noticed this, but me and the girl were one of those few. We stared at each other wondering "How does the door do that? Opening by itself?" We came to no conclusions....
A little while later, the door came open again, and this time, the whole class heard the noise and craned their necks to see what was happening. The teacher smiled at our confused and slightly alarmed expressions and said "I told you this classroom was haunted." The girl looked really scared now, and said to him: " You mean there's a GHOST in the classroom!!!???" And the teacher said "Yes. You may see him appear now and again, but not ever day...." That shut us all up, and after a while we got back to our work.....

Part 5-"It's not gonna pick meeeeee!!!"

Once upon a time.... (Lol) I entered German class and the teacher decided to push the "random🔯" button on ClassDojo to pick pupils to answer questions. Well once, since the "random" button never picked me, I said I could predict the future and made random waves with my hands singing "It's not gonna pick me!!!!!" And then it didn't, so I said "It's gonna pick me!!!!!!" And it did!✅ I was so surprised I didn't pay attention to the question, and got a minus point....
Such a coincidental day!!!😉

Sorry the last story was so short. I'm gonna update soon, but I'm at a sleepover🌃 right now, so I am kinda doing two things at the same time: watching Dr.Who, AND updating my story, so sorry for any typos.....📝

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