Noises from Elsewhere

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Well one day we were in Drama and the teacher told us to sit in a circle on the floor. She pointed at every second person and told those people to stand up. The people who sat down had to close their eyes and the people who stood up had to go around in a circle, making noises and whispering in the people sat down's ears. This girl was sat down and she was really concentrating, trying to guess what the theme of the noises was. The boy, he-who-shall-not-be-named, made a weird noise, like an octopus dying. The girl was confused and said "Aliens???" And the teacher looked at the boy annoyingly and said "No, the sea." And then the whole class imitated the noise the boy had made after class was over. The noise was so peculiar, yet hilarious, just so...... WEIRD.

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