Stuck in the Bike-Cellar

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One day after school my friend invited me over to her house for a play-date. When I came, she introduced me to her siblings, and we decided to go outside to play on our bikes🚴. So we went down to this kind of cellar, where all the bikes and toys of the people living in the apartment are kept.....😶

We went downstairs, unlocked the cellar door, came inside, took the bikes, unlocked the second door and we were out. There was this massive park with trees and lawns all around, and pavements too. So we mounted the bikes and we were off. Once we were bored of the bikes, we took out badminton rackets and started playing.
We laughed and put down the rackets.

We did various other things like climbing trees and walking on the cracks in the pavement.... We finally got tired and since it was becoming dark, we decided to go back in. Here comes the fun part.😏

We unlocked the first door, and that went fine, so we scrambled back inside, trying to find a spare piece of wall to lean our bikes against.

Then, as we slipped the key back into the other lock, and twisted it, it wouldn't budge. We twisted harder, a few more times now, but still, the door would not move.

I was the scaredy cat here, and I started panicking, trying to think of what we could possibly have done to be stuck here. My friend was resilient, and tried again and again to unlocked the stupid door. It never moved.....

It was getting darker and darker by the minute, and I was more and more stressed out. I think stress might be contagious, because my friend finally seemed to admit that there was no way out.

Now at that time I did not have a phone, and neither did my friend, so there was no way of contacting the outside world. Nothing to eat either.

Hours seemed to have gone by, when my friend stood up and said: "Hey! Look up! The window! You are taller than me, see if you can climb up there and stick your head outside to ask for help!" That seemed a good idea to me, so I tried. But the window was about 1.5m above me, and I couldn't possible reach it.

"The toys!" I said. "Pile them up high so I can climb up them!" So we did. But it was not like a ladder, and I could not have possibly managed to climb up them...

We cried for help, a long time it seemed, and a few minutes later we heard "Who's in there?" Both me and my friend jumped up and went to the door. We told him we were stuck, and he instructed us to turn the key anti-clockwise, and when we heard a click we cried "Hooray!"

Afterwards all went pretty well, but we had spicy spaghetti and my mouth was on fire!!! 🔥👅

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