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This chapter is dedicated to Tifanny 2210 for always making me laugh at random things.


One Monday me & my peeps were in German class and the teacher told us to go to page 67 and recite the tongue-twister: "Suzy Shumman ist sehr shreklich". The last word we found pretty hard to pronounce, so we said shreck-lish, then shreck-leash, and we finally settled on shrecklist. Since it sounded like a mixture of Shreck and lists, it made the whole table giggle till the teacher had had enough and decided to give all our table minus points for behavior.... 🙊

A few days after that lesson, whenever someone would murmur "shrecklist", all our German group would laugh and remember that crazy Tuesday.....😜
That was all, hope you like it! Sorry it was such a short chapter compared to the others.... I'll try to make the following ones longer. Please comment and follow!

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