The Drama Ghost

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One day, a Thursday📅 , we had drama, and we were in the middle of the lesson, after we had finished the "Weeping Angels" episode of Doctor Who❓❔, and suddenly the windows closed and opened with a few booms and creeks. The whole class foze🌀, including the teacher, which was pretty funny.😏

Then people started assuming it was a ghost👻, and you have to know that I don't believe in ghosts, so I didn't approve of that theory quite so much. 😕But others do believe, and I'm not saying that it is not true, mark my words. People believe what they want to believe. Everyone is free to think what they like.💭

Even though in the present I don't believe in ghosts, there was a time where I did, and I shall talk about this time in more depth now.

I was about 10 years old and all my friends and I were really into freaky stories🔪 and ghosts and blood💉 and stuff, and we actually believed in stuff like the Bloody Mary and other legends which I have now forgotten about. Well one time I used to think that in my room🚪, which is the only bedroom on the top floor in my house, shadows come to life and become stalkers who can kill me any moment.😱

So I believed this, and I told myself I had to do something in case one day one of the "shadows" attacked me😰. So I trained myself every evening after school to go up the stairs👣 at an incredible rate⌚️, but unfortunately I couldn't do this going down, as my first attempt to it had me injured for a week.

So I practiced going up 2 steps at a time, and then 3. My house is old-fashioned, so the stairs are very far apart and 3 is quite along distance to do, believe it or not..... When I was going up the stairs as fast as I could, I would never look behind⬅️ me, too scared to move.

That was it, and not-so-surprisingly I still do this, because it has now become a reflex to me😳. I quite like the fact that when people are coming, I can hear👂 them going up the stairs to my floor, another skill I developed at that age, and I can then adapt my position to make them think I am doing homework📝 or other useless stuff like that. That comes in handy pretty often. 👍


Well that was all in that chapter! I hope you liked the bonus there about when I used to believe in ghosts👻 and legends...... I will update ASAP, but I can only really write on the bus🚌 or if I have a bit of free time, so it might take a while.🕔

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