Da Pink Pen

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One day, in Geography (remember, I 💔 this lesson) I sat down and listened to the teacher. As usual. Then he asked us to take out our pens and start making a graph to show what happened in Aylesbury when the village became bigger....ANYWAY. So I took a PINK PEN, and started writing. I drew the y & x axis, and suddenly I felt a presence behind me..... The teacher was coming. 😰😱 So I tried to turn invisible, which was obviously impossible. I felt stupid. Had I done something wrong?

The teacher suddenly yelled at me "Is that A PINK PEN??!!!!" I was so surprised that I threw the pink pen to the person sitting opposite from me, and scrambled for a pencil.... ✏️

He nearly gave me a heart attack! I wanted to scream "Jeez! Person, warn me before yelling at me like some psychopath!" But I didn't, otherwise I'd have gotten a detention.😅

Then, when we had all finished our graphs, the teacher started talking, and I kinda just tuned out what he was saying.... I grabbed for my pen and started doodling in my book. Big Mistake. The teacher caught me out of the corner of his eye and said: " HEY!! Why are you writing when I'm talking?"

Same as before, I just threw the pen to my neighbor in utter surprise (one of my reflexes)..... So that was the story of the pink pen. DA PINK PEN. ✒️

When class was over, before we were dismissed, our teacher decided to make us walk out of the door like.....DUCKS!
I was like: " What the h*ll is wrong with you???" But I just said it in my head.


Thanks for all those peeps who follow me, and I promise I will do my best to publish new chapters as soon as possible! Luv u all!😋👍

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