Chapter 15~Tough Decisions

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They were nearly at the borders of Lorlea when Ivelle stopped her horse. The others noticed it and stopped too. Cirillo turned his horse and shouted at her:

"Come on, Ivelle! We don't get to it all day." he turned his horse. Ivelle looked back. She could still see the smoke. She took a deep breath and shouted back:


"No?" asked Cirillo with disbelief in his voice.

"No." she looked him in the eye. The man slowly approached her not taking his eyes off her.

"How do you mean 'No.'?"

"I can't go. " she still looked in his eyes "Those people, they were innocent, and now they are dead because of us."


"We can't put the casualty into drain. can't." she tried to keep her feelings back, but her voice was still shaking.

"Really?" asked Cirillo mockingly "And what do you want to do? Go and resume our trip?"


"Than more people will die." Cirillo was so angry that even he was only an inch away from her he was shouting "I'll tell you better. You will die. You can't do it alone and we won't go with you."

"Then I'll go alone and die. But I'll try it."

"She won't die, because I'll go with her," said Áedh while coming closer to them.

"What?" asked Cirillo once again with disbelief.

"I'll go with her." he reached them and stopped a few meters away, "You said, that she'll die if she goes alone. Well then, I'll go with her and make sure she won't."

Cirillo went closer to Áedh and whispered something to him that Ivelle couldn't hear. She examined Áedh. He sat still in the saddle with straightened back. Sometimes she forgot, that the others were from the nobility. Áedh's face didn't show emotions. On the contrary, Cirillo looked very angry. A few minutes later Cirillo gave a blaming look to Ivelle, then went back to Merle and they whirled away. Áedh went closer to her.

"Come." it was all he said, but for her, it was enough. She set spurs to Novalie and they stormed off after Áedh.

It was nearly noon when they finally stopped. They had been riding for nearly 10 hours and they only stopped a few times, only for a few minutes. They got off the horses.

"Unharness Novalie." said Áedh.

"What? Why?"

"She's too conspicuous. You'll need a new one. Let her loose and she'll find her way back to you when it's time." explained Áedh. "We are only a few miles away from the next town. We'll get a new horse for you." Ivelle just nodded and followed Áedh's instructions. She stroke Novali's head for a few minutes then let her go. Áedh immediately got on his horse.

"Come, sit behind me." he motioned to Ivelle "Amlug can take us both." As soon as Ivelle got on Amlug they strode off. She was really grateful that she only had to sit behind Áedh. She felt extremely tired.

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