Part 2. ~ Party Time

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Dark. It was really dark. Ivelle couldn't see a thing. And it was cold too. Like in the middle of winter.

"Hello?" she shouted. Her voice echoed in the distance. She was scared. She stood up and took a few steps. "Where the hell am I?" she thought. She tripped over something. Maybe a stone. A loud roar came from somewhere. And then another. She could hear steps. The steps came closer and closer and now she could hear the roar from closer. She backed, but bumped into a stone wall." I'm going to die..." she was frightened. Something came closer to her. It looked at her. It had red eyes. It came closer and closer... Now she was scared to death. That... something attacked her and...

"HELP!" she yelled and sit up in her bed. "Another nightmare..." she'd had these strange nightmares for weeks now. Every dream was the same: waking up in a cold, dark place, hearing roars, then steps, seeing red eyes, and then waking up. Every dream was so, so real. The emotions, the stone, the cold, the darkness. Everything felt real. She was covered in sweat. She looked at the clock. 5.30. She looked around. Her eyes stucked on the box she got yesterday. She got up and approached it. She took it's cover off. Books. She took out one. Not books, it's more like a... journal . She opened it. The pages were filled with drawings and strange writings. Somewhere in the middle there was a drawing which caught her attention. It was a woman with long brown hair and blue eyes. Her face was long. She looked like her mother. She read the note under the drawing. "Tanith". Then it's not her mother. Then who's she? She turned a page. The same woman, but now her whole figure was drawn. She was slim, and wore long white dress. Two serpents were at her feet. She looked down at them, like she was telling something to them. The same word was written under the picture. "Tanith.". What does it mean? Is it the woman's name? "Interesting." she thought and put out another diary. It was the same: drawings and writings. Then put out another one and another. All of them were the same. She examined the writings. They were written in a strange language: maybe it was latin, but she wasn't sure.

A loud knock interrupted her.

"Elle darling, are you awake yet?" it was her granny.

"Umn... Yes I am." quickly she put the diaries back to the box.

"Great. Come, I made some breakfast."

"Just a second, I put something on."

"Okay darling, but be quick."

"Okay." she looked at the clock. It was 8.30. She opened her wardrobe and put on pants and a jumper. She made a quick bun, and went to the kitchen.

"Good morning, darling. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. What's that smell?" She changed subject quickly.


"Yummy." she sat down to the counter.

"What's your plan for today?" asked her grandma with a smile.

"Umn... Don't know. Allan invited me to a party, you know, to make friends... " she tried to imitate Allan's voice" But I'm not sure I'll go. "she grabbed some pancake.

" Why not? Allan's right, you have to make some friends. "

" I don't know... I'm not really a party-person... "

"Have you tried?"


"Then, how do you know?" her grandma raised her eyebrow.

"I... Well... I just know." she looked down at her plate.

"Wrong answer. You should go."

"I'll think about it." she murmured.

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