Chapter 6

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"You do know you're just wasting your mum's money right? At least get a cheaper brand or something." Komori states as he watches you put on the lip gloss.

"Shut up Motoya, I'm taking extra good care of this one." You respond, determined.

The caramel haired boy doesn't look too impressed.

"Trust me dude, if it goes missing again, I owe you ice cream." You state confidently.

Komori snaps his head toward you, handing you an excited look.

"Looks like I'm getting free ice cream." He sang as he noticed his cousin enter the classroom and sit down at his desk. You roll your eyes as you follow him to where Sakusa was, minding his own business until Komori felt the absolute need to disturb his peace.

"Yo Kiyoomi, what's up?" He greets cheerily.

Sakusa shrugs disinterestedly. Rather, he stares at the little tube in your hand, you notice his gaze and hold it up to his face. He looks at you and tilts his head to the side.

"It's lip gloss! My mum got it for me yesterday, wanna try?" You joke while unscrewing the cap. Komori scoffs.

"Y/N you dummy, like hell he'd let you put something like tha...'' He trails off as Sakusa slowly unhooks one of the string ties and steadily peels off his mask, revealing the whole of his face. You gawk at him in shock, apparently you weren't the only one in the class admiring his beauty.

Gosh, is it even legal to be this good looking? You wonder as you observe him. I get that God has favourites, but this is just... wow...

He sits there waiting. You pull yourself together and fake a cough.

"Wait, just warning you, I've used it before, so like, can I still...?" You reach towards his lips with the tube, waiting for him to change his mind.

However, he nods ever so slightly.

Alright then I was just kidding but okay... With one of your hands, you lift up his chin, and with the other you gently apply the lip gloss, taking extra care to not put too much on. Sakusa peered into your eyes the whole time, however you had failed to notice as you were too busy trying to put on the lip gloss as neatly as possible.

You tuck a lock of hair behind his ear as you saw that it was getting in his eye a little, accidentally brushing your knuckles against his cheek when placing your hand back on his chin. While you thought nothing of it, to Sakusa it was a lot more intimate than you had intended for just a friendly gesture, he had to give it his all to suppress his inappropriate urges. The icy glares of his female admirers must have made you a bit nervous as you got some gloss beneath his bottom lip.

"Oopsies, sorry about that." You say softly while gently wiping it away with your thumb.

His heart skips a beat. Is that what her bedroom voice would sound like?

You evened it out and sat back, admiring your handiwork. You purse your lips and make a popping sound and he mimics you, making you giggle. Out of nowhere, he laughs along.

Komori's jaw hit the ground, a wave of envious whispers from girls traveled around the room. Sakusa places his mask back on, reverting back to his cold, original self, earning a few disappointed glances and comments.

"B-bro, are you okay right now? A- are you sick or something? Y/N used this, it might have her germs you know?" He stutters, snatching the tube from your hand and waving it in his face while pointing at you, who was equally as confused. But you didn't really care though, you were just glad that now you and Sakusa were now wearing matching lip glosses.

"Oh." He responds.

"Oh? What do you mean "Oh"? I thought you hated using other people's things!" Komori yelled while shaking his cousin by the shoulders. The ravenette had a poker-faced expression.

Sakusa smiles beneath his mask as he zones out, ignoring his cousin's questions.

"Komori-Kun, please stop harassing your peers and get back to your seat, class is starting soon." The teacher scolds as she walks in. "You too L/N, you're here to learn, not play around."

"Yes teacher." You both answer in unison.

"I'll talk to you after class Omi-Omi, bye bye!" You wave at him.

Sakusa only stares at you blankly, waving back discreetly with one hand underneath the desk.  

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