Chapter 28

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Within the time-frame of a split second, he twisted his upper body back just in time to catch the rock that came hurling towards his head.

"Man, you sure have killer instincts," the spiky-haired boy remarked with admiration and awe. "Like, literally."

Sakusa remained poker-faced, "you threw a rock at my head, Bokuto."

"Oh come on, I was just testing your reflexes." he chimed, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"You could've potentially given me a concussion." the ravenette stated in a flat tone.

"Could've, but didn't."

"You're stupid beyond ways I cannot comprehend."

"I get that a lot."

Bokuto leaned back and placed his hands at the back of his head, "so, how's it going with her?"

In Sakusa's silence, he drew his phone from his pocket, then proceeded to show him a picture he had taken a while ago.

The ravenette squinted, "you disgusting fuck, is that watermelon on pizza?"

Bokuto furrowed his eyebrows, "oh shit, wait, wrong thing. Sorry dude." Scrolling to the left, he held his phone to Sakusa's face once more, earning a more appropriate reaction this time.

"Did... did you do that?"

The bi-coloured haired boy smirked, "well duh. Who else could it have been?"

In the image, an emaciated looking male knelt on the ground. His eyes were stained red and glossy, his hands were bound tightly behind his back, his pale body appeared frail and brittle. Yet, his lips were curled into a genuine looking smile.

"What did you do?" Sakusa questioned, tearing his gaze away from the picture,

"Oh nothing... just took him home, that's all."

Then, Bokuto pulled a plastic, zip lock bag that contained a vial and a needle from his bag and proffered it to the ravenette.

"Fifty mLs of this and she'll be out cold for three and a half hours."

Sakusa stepped back, ripping away the hand of temptation that caressed his heart.

"No thanks, I... could never do that to her."

Bokuto frowned, "why not? She'll be all yours."

He bit his lip nervously, "she has friends and family who care for her, and she cares for them too. It's selfish to take that away from her for my own needs."

Bokuto didn't look impressed. "Does she really need them? Friends, family, classmates, whoever she's close with, they're all just distracting her from you."

Sakusa shuffled his feet, unsure how to reply. Deep down he was in complete agreement with him, albeit he would never admit it out loud.

The golden-eyed boy grinned, "if you're too much of a coward to do it I'll always be here to-"

"Dare lay a finger on her and I'll kill you," he snapped, words laced with murderous intent.

He looked dead serious as well. Something was telling Bokuto that even coming within a five metre radius of you was a bad idea.

"Okay geez... But look at it this way, when she's out there exposed to so many different people, nobody knows which ones are dangerous and which ones can be trusted."

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