A new member joins

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Levi was officially sick and tired of the academy, what was even the point in going anymore, he was way to advanced for his year both in physical and academic wise.

The only thing he failed at was the whole Magic (Jutsu) section, but that was because he was too stubborn to use it. He made up for it by working on his sensing ability, now it's harder then ever to not be sensed by him.

His Kenjutsu was also top tear and since learning to hop from tree to tree with ease, it felt like he was using the 3DM gear without the weight... which was something that he would never admit to be happy about.

Everyone was 10, or well almost everyone... it's not like he knew when everyone's birthday was, he just knew his, Sasuke's, Naruto's, Itachi's and Shisui's....

Not like he really needed to remeber the last on since he's dead, but it's the thought that counts.

Shiro didn't know his birthday so everyone just celebrates it on new years day, it's easier to remeber that way.

Anyway, it is currently winter, which means Naruto's birthday had come and gone, and Shiro's birthday was coming up and so is Levi's.

However Shiro only wanted to relax in the snow with his new family and that was what they were going to do.... although, the filth that snow Carries no matter how pure it looks makes the Soldier cringe.

God he hates filth.

Levi? Well he didn't care about what they wanted to do to celebrate his birthday.

Now that he thought about it, no one actually ever knew when his birthday was in his last life, he just saw it as a burden as everyone was off celebrating Christmas.

Yes Levi's birthday was the 25th of December, so he usually took his Christmas gift as his birthday gift, even though he didn't really care for either.

Right now however, Levi was just laying in the snow.

There was no reason for this, and usually he hates stuff like this but he really needs to just think, to let his mind wander.

As much as he hates to accepts it, he's still stuck in the mindset that he is captain of the survey corps.

He needs to get out of that, he's isn't 'Captain Levi'anymore, he's just Levi... Levi with no last name, Levi with no family, Levi whose all alone.

He would never, ever say this out loud... but he misses everyone, four eyes, Erwin, even the brat and his friends...

He's not even an Ackerman anymore... he's just Levi.

"What are you doing out here?" A familiar voice asked.

Levi recognised that Chakra.

Opening his eyes he looked up to see a very familiar Silver haired Ninja.

"Tsk, I see you a lot" Levi stated, he didn't really want to deal with him today, usually he always has the energy to put annoying people in there place...

But not today.

"Mhmm, you dodged the question" He said, his face stuck in that same orange book.

"Tsk, leave me alone..." Levi said, he wanted peace, maybe he would go grab a nice Lavender tea, apparently they have great calming purposes.

Right... it's been a while since Levi allowed Naruto to eat Ramen in his apartment, he was getting sock of it, the least he could do was grab some on the way back, he didn't really feel like cooking for once...

The apartment better be clean though.

"You seem... lost" The silver haired man asked.

"Is that so... what is your name?" Levi asked, if he was doomed to keep running into the guy, the least he could do was find out the guys name.

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