A Friend in Suna

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Levi was enjoying his peace on the roof of the hotel, he had woken up first and decided to watch the sunrise.

He hadn't ever really payed much attention to the sun rising before, be found he quite enjoyed it. It was bright... but peaceful.

He looked down to the many Villagers below as they walked with slight caution, most likely keeping an eye out for Gaara.

He soon saw Kaiya walk past the Hotel, she looked up at him, smiled and walked off.

Now that Levi thought about it.... how old was she? She didn't look too much older than them, she couldn't be much older than 16.

From the way she spoke you would easily think she was in her 20s.... not like he could talk, he was technically a 30 year old in a childs body....

Although... bits of his memories have started to go missing, he's starting to forget some names and faces, but at least he could remeber the important ones.... they were important.... right?

Erwin, Hange, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Kenny, Berthold, Reiner, Annie... wait... no there were more... definitely more.... S-sasha? Or was it Potato girl?, Cocky... no Conny... uhh, horse face.... no, Jean....

Blinking Levi strained his thoughts, faces would appear but names wouldn't.... what was happening... yet he could remember the look of Titans like they were right next to him....

He could only assume that they would haunt him until he died.... again.

It was a weird feeling like the memories of his old life were being forced behined a locked door, but the cracks were too big....

Maybe he should see a therapist after all..... actually, maybe not, the therapist may need therapy afterwards.

With the sun beaming down and Naruto and Sasuke off doing something stupid, Levi decided to return to the park he went to yesterday.

This time he took a seat in the shade, don't get it wrong he was cringing from the filth but he was roasting in the sun.

The heat was so bad that he had to leave Shiro in the hotel, otherwise the poor pup could get a heatstroke with all his fur.

He felt Gaara's Chakra appear right next to him, but did and said nothing, he just enjoyed the cool, (yet filthy) spot.

Feeling the sudden appearance of two more Chakra signatures, (just about with Gaara nearby) and the shift of the sand beneath him Levi let out a deep sigh, he had a feeling that things were about to get ugly.

Looking up he saw two people, a girl with her blond hair in four spiky buns and a massive fan on her back, (can he use that for this heat?) And the male wearing an all black jumpsuit, (is he crazy?) With cat ears on top and purple face paint. He also had something wrapped in bandages on his back.but Levi payed it no mind.

Around him however the sand was shifting violently, floating up and around the two boys as the red head glared the two kids down.

Judging from their stiff stances, and erratic chakra Levi assumed they were not just scared of the boy next to him... but absolutely fucking terrified...

Tch, fucking idiots.

The one in black gulped.

"Umm.... G-Gaara.. D- uh... the Kazekage.. has requested for you.. and um... your f-friend here.." he said.

Gaara's glare deepened, and Levi sighed, he just wanted to relax before his long journey in the morning.

There was also the fact that he had to do something about Gaara, the kid was suffering, and like how Erwin saved him he would try and Save Gaara.

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