A Plan made

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"WELL, WHO COULD HAVE TAKEN THEM!?" A loud voice shouted. His rage echoed through the entire building.

"Danzo, if we knew we would have them back already" Inoichi stated. He was doing his best to calm the village elder, but Danzo was not making it easy for him.

"Calm yourself Danzo. One problem at a time. Right now we need a new Hokage before the other Villages see us as easy targets" Koharu stated. She was seated watching as Danzo raged on about a few files that went missing.

"Jiraiya is heading out to bring Tsunade back. We just need to keep the village Functioning until they get back" Homura, the other village elder stated.

Danzo finally sat down but he was still angry. That much was very clear.

"You two! Interrogate every Ninja we have captured. Find those files!" Danzo demanded. He had pointed at Inoichi and Shikaku, who were forced to be there as the Hokage's adviser and the head of the Yamanaka clan.

Both gave a short bow before heading out of the room. On their way out Shikaku pulled out a cigarette and lit it before taking a deep inhale.

Inoichi walked silently by his side until the two of them had quite a bit of distance between them and the Hokage tower.

"You know who has the files don't you," Inoichi stated. He kept his gaze on the road ahead as he waited for a response.

"It doesn't take a genius to figure it out," Shikaku responded taking another deep inhale.

"You're not going to turn them in?" Inoichi asked.


"Why?" Inoichi asked once more. Now he looked at Shikaku he was trying to read the man. Trying to figure out what exactly was going on inside of his head.

"Because... those boys deserve to know," Shikaku responded.

"Not like this. Those files will not only put them in danger but the entire village as well," Inoichi stated. He was glaring at the man. Those boys had not only put everyone in danger but could have painted a larger target on their backs.

Shikaku let out a long, deep, tired sigh before stopping dead in his tracks looking straight at his teammate.

"When you hear the word Konoha, when you look around at the village... what do you see?" Shikaku asked.

Inoichi looked confused for a moment before looking around him. He saw Ninja smiling and messing around with each other. He saw Villagers making their way through the markets. He saw kids laughing and playing as they run through the crowds. He saw peace.

"Peace. A safe haven." Inoichi stated.

Shikaku sighed once more and shook his head at his teammate.

"You've lost your touch old friend. This village is so troublesome. It hides all its secrets and wrongdoings under a friendly facade. You're good a reading people. You're telling me you've never seen that flash of anger and hurt that appears in Naruto's eyes? That cold glare of Hatred that Sasuke gives the villagers? That aura of pure hatred that Levi had shown recently whenever the Hokage appeared in his sights?" Shikaku stated.

Inoichi's eyes went wide for a moment before taking another good look around. This time, he used more than just his eyes.

"Did you see that creature?"

"I always knew that kid was a monster too."

"Hopefully they'll both get the boot from the village"

"Did you see the way the Uchiha killed those people?"

"I always knew the village would be better off without those Uchiha"

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