First C-Rank

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It's been four whole weeks since they graduated, four whole weeks since they passed Kakashi's useless test and four whole weeks of doing nothing.... but fucking chores.

Levi was starting to rethink the meaning of the word Ninja because his description was slowly changing from a weaponized soldier prepared to assassinate in the name of their village.... to desperate part timers.

Why is this? Well all they've done for four weeks, was Shopping, cleaning the streets, walk dogs, paint fences, babysitting (this was the second worst), planting, and finally... the worst one... catch very evil cats.

It sounds ridiculous, Levi knows that calling a cat Evil sounds incredibly stupid... but there was actually no better way to describe the little devil, if he could he would have thrown the thing head first into the hands of a Titan and would have bet anything that the furry shit would survive.

Not to mention he wasn't the only one who was sick of these Chores, oh no, the great Local loud mouth himself was getting real sick of these missions real quick, and when Naruto gets annoyed he gets loud, very loud.

When Naruto gets loud Sasuke gets annoyed and the two start to argue.

When the two start to argue, Levi gets annoyed and a headache.... you see how this turns bad for everyone.

To top it all off the man had run out of Tea, so at this current moment in time he was angry about the rubbish missions, he was angry at the growing headache because of the two, he was angry because he and Shiro were dirty from their planting mission and he was beyond angry that he had no tea to sooth his nerves.

In short, Levi was sick of being treated like a fucking child, he was Humanity's greatest Soldier at one point and the kid who with Taijutsu and Kenjutsu alone, kicked the shit out of his smug Chunin Sensei's.

So Levi decided to fix this mess and 'Kindly' talk to the incompetent old idiot, who was sadly in charge of the Village.

Just like his old life this leader needed to go, it sounded horrible, but this old idiot was so stuck in the past that he doesn't realise that he Is ruining his own Military.

Seriously he needed to hand that hat off to someone younger than him, and he doesn't mean a few years, he means a literal Generation, because if their next leader hands him a babysitter Job he might just Leave the village just to stop himself from burning it down... see what they think of the 'will of fire' then.

"Levi tell this Teme he is wrong!!" Naruto bellowed.

"Hn, clearly your wrong Dobe" Sasuke replied, Kakashi just continued to read his books.

Right that was another thing to be added to the list of things that have to go, those perverted books of his need to go.

Naruto read a page and he is still scarred from it, that was when Levi decided he would use those books to start the fire that would burn down this village..... see how violent he gets when he doesn't get an adrenaline filled mission?

Finally walking into the Hokage's office, the group had paint on them, green paint thanks to Naruto but if the glare glued on both Levi and Shiro's face said anything it was that they were not happy.

"Well done team 7, I have another mission here for you, it's babysitting a Nobles Child" the Holage said.

He said it with such ease that Levi had to genuinely wonder if this old coot really thought these were missions.

Levi is all about sticking to the rules, and following orders, he'll give you sass if he doesn't like the order, but will follow it nonetheless.

This?... Levi was willing to break away from his Morals just for this because he was so sick of being treated like a child, who does this idiot think he is helping by hiding them from the worlds dangers for a few more months.

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