Defend the Sand

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Gaara stared at the sky with something he thought he would never truly feel.... Fear. Fear for his village, fear for his family and fear for his friends.

The massive bomb was falling on his home and he knew what he had to do. He had already contacted Naruto and the others, they were on their way... but he had to act...


Instantly his sand covered the entire Village. There were cracks in his sand armour that started to glow a slight blue. His sea-green eyes slowly shifted to a sandy yellow.

"Alright brat, let's do this!" Shukaku yelled out.

He and Gaara had worked through some of their issues. As much as it annoys him Gaara had befriended the large Tsundere. Truth be told they didn't talk to each other too much and Gaara still had insomnia, but it was much better than how it was before. Right now Gaara was silently thanking Naruto for convincing him to get along with his tailed beast.

...Not that Naruto had accomplished the thought himself, but that's not the issue right now.

The bomb went off, exploding all the sand away and revealing the village below. Gaara was weak... very weak, his own Chakra was almost empty.

"Oh stop sulking, we're both gonna die if you fail this fight!" Shukaku yelled out and gave Gaara more Chakra. There was no way he was befriending a new damn host. No way!

Gaara's eyes snapped open as he was falling from the sky. He noticed the large white bird fly towards him, he quickly flipped himself around and landed on the bird. Dodging the punch that was aimed at him the second he landed Gaara used the bird like a springboard and jumped back down to the ground.

(Where the hell was Naruto!?)

Gaara glared up at the attacker. This was going to be a very long fight if he didn't speed this up. The only reason he isn't dead now is because of that Anonymous note that told him the village would be attacked. He had time to prepare and sent for Naruto two days before this mess...

Hange threw her thunder spear at the bird the attacker was riding. The bird exploded knocking back its rider who created a new one within seconds.

"Damn, I thought I had him," Hange muttered.

"Calm yourself, backup will be arriving soon," Gaara muttered.

"Well, they better hurry the hell up" Kankuro grunted.

Their sister was in the leaf village so at least that was one less person to worry about. Honestly, this was such an issue they weren't equipped for a sky battle.


Appearing behind the blond attacker, faster than they realised was their blond ally. He slammed his Rasengan into their chest knocking the wind out of them. They fell to the ground but landed on their feet.

"Damn that hurt un" They muttered.

Naruto landed next to Gaara, a few Ninja behind him.

"Levi and Sasuke are on their way, they'll be a little while though," Naruto explained.

"Eh! Midget is coming! WHOOO! We're saved!" Hange cheered.

Naruto smiled, she wasn't far off the mark. Now they just had to get there. It was bad enough that Naruto left Uzushio. Thank Kami the villagers were all ex-Ninja.

"I thought I told you to be quick about this Deidara" The blond's teammate muttered.

"Sasori... we may Be in trouble here..." Kankuro spoke up.

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