Blood Shed

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Oh the Mission went to shit so fast.

Levi stood glaring at the man they were tracking, he was cackling hard, laughing at Levi and his expressions.

His team was far behined and would no doubt take a while to get to him, but Levi didn't have time for that.

To top it off he was furious, his whole body was Shaking from Levi holding back the urge to slice this man to unrecognizable pieces.

He grit his teeth so tightly that you could easily see the vain appear on the side of his head, his grip on his swords were so tight, to the point where his knuckles turning white and a hand print was being dented into the sword.

But the craziest part about how Levi looked wasn't that His three Tomoe Sharingan was spinning at 100mph, or that there was a black murky blanket of Chakra covering him....

No it was that his Sharingan was blazing not red.... but instead blue, a harsh soul piercing blue that was slowly shifting back to red and then to blue again, as if two things were fighting for control.




But lets go back and see how we got here shall we....




"Dammit Teme! The hell am I supposed to do with no Ramen!?" Naruto shouted, it turned out that before they left Sasuke exchanged all of Naruto's Ramen for Tomatoes.

Levi could only roll his eyes as the two idiots argued, they had been hunting this man for about 4 days now and it was starting to seem like a complete waste of time.

When Levi got to the Land of Tea he was ecstatic, there were shops and stalls for tea everywhere. He also found out that if you went further into the land there was the Village of Coffee aswell, and while not a fan of Coffee, Levi had no doubt in his mind that he would need to go there at some point in his life.

Also Gaara was completely correct the Villagers were so kind, too kind actually, Levi even got free tea, there was not much better than free tea that actually tasted nice.

Throughout the whole trip Sazuki and Naruto were annoying Kiba since he and Akamaru couldn't smell the guy they were after anywhere.

The two Sensei's were watching in the back, and Sasuke, Shino and Hinata were as quiet as usual.

"Alright Charges, let's head back to the hotel and call it a day" Kakashi announced, it was too dark to see anything in the forests and in the village there seemed to be a tea festival going on.

That meant too many people, too many smells and too many Chakra signatures so back they went.

Sitting silently in the inn Levi was staring out the window while sipping his tea.

He was simply looking out at the bright lights that came with the Tea festival.

Levi was also trying to feel if any Chakra would give a sudden spike as that would most likely be their target.

Shiro was on his lap, and both of them were oddly calm....

Until Levi's eyes gained a sharp look into them, he narrowed his eyes and slowly put down his tea as he sat up straight and intensely looked through the window.

His team was fast asleep, and Kurenai and her team were next door, so Levi was all alone for now.

Staring into the forest Levi saw a glint of something most likely a weapon, but when did recognise was the silhouette of a man....

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