Chapter 12

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Mark quickly learned the small group of three that accompanied him. Gino was the guy with the piercings. Austin was the guy with the short hair and caramel skin. Addison was the girl. It was a relief to Mark to see that the feeling of new was wearing off pretty fast. He was glad to be on the ground, but it was something he would have been more excited about under normal circumstances.

"It's beautiful out here," Austin said.

He grabbed a branch and let the leaves slip through his fingers.

"It's hot, that's what it is," Addison said. "The air feels sticky."

"We must be somewhere tropical," Mark said. "The air is humid. It makes it feel hotter than normal."

She stripped off her jacket, revealing a dark tank top underneath. Austin stared at her for a second too long.

"Don't get any ideas," she said. "I'm no slut."

"I.. I didn't mean to-"

"Just... whatever."

Mark looked at Gino. Other than giving his name, he was being especially quiet. He kept looking around, expecting something to jump out at any given notice. He assumed it was just nerves. He might have been locked up longer than most. The newfound freedom was something he wasn't used to. Probably didn't like crowds, either, which could be why he decided to come along. Blaze looked at Gino playfully.

"You okay over there?" Mark asked him. "You look like you're lost."

He looked at Mark. He didn't speak.

"He's just scared," Addison said. "Just as well. I think a lot of us are."

"No shit," Austin said. "We're out here like sitting ducks with only one guy with a weapon."

"If you want something, just ask," Mark said.

"It would be nice if we had something to defend ourselves with. Just saying."

"Are you trained to use a sword?"

"Well... no."

"What about you, Addy?"

"Don't call me Addy. And no, I'm not."

He looked at the quiet one.

"Do you know how to use this?"

Gino looked at the sword on his back. He nodded. They stopped. Mark took off the katana and handed it to Gino. He looked up at Mark like he couldn't believe he was giving it to him.

"You're giving the quiet guy a weapon," Addison said. "That won't backfire."

"I don't know any of you," Mark said. "But it looks like we'll have time for it."

He put the sword in Gino's hand.

"The weapon is just an object," Mark said. "What matters is how the person holding it uses it. Be careful with it. It's sharp."

Gino muttered, "Thank you."

"Whoa, what about you?" Austin asked. "You're the one trained to use that thing."

Mark summoned Wolfbane. Austin jumped and fell on the ground.

"I have my weapon," he said. "We should keep an eye out on one for you guys, too."

Mark let Wolfbane fade away. Addison scoffed.

"You couldn't have told us about it sooner?" She asked. "That would have been more reassuring."

"Well, now you know." He said. "Come on, we're burning daylight. Officer Tanner doesn't have long."


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