Chapter 28

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Tim spent lunchtime with Maria and was going back to his room when he saw Sasha being dragged by security through the corridor. He immediately recognized her and turned on his heel to intercept.

"Stay back, sir," the officer warned.

"I know this wolf," he said. "It belongs to a friend of my daughter's. Where is she?"

"I don't know where your daughter is, sir."

"Not my daughter, you nitwit. Sara. Where is she?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that--"

Tim lunged for the officer and pinned him to the wall by his neck. Sasha shook off the catch pole.

"You listen to me," he growled. "That girl lost everything in the blast. She is a second daughter to me and is under my care. If you don't tell me where he is, I'll have you charged for kidnapping. Where. Is. Sara."

He gargled on his own saliva.

"She's being taken to the airlock," he said. "The captain is ejecting her for murder."

He threw the officer to the ground and started running. He didn't have much time.

Sara was pushed inside. She didn't try to run. She didn't fight. She accepted this was her fate. Her sword was confiscated, and her comm was removed. Thelma and the other officer were the only witnesses. Sara just had tears falling down her face. She gave Thelma a scowl.

"I trusted you," she said. "You acted like you cared the whole time and lied to my face about everything."

"I was trying to protect you," she said. "You should have listened when I said to leave it alone. I liked you, Sara. I really did. I didn't want this to happen. The captain is right. If people found out about his position, we're as good as dead. You're threatening that peace, and I can't allow you to break it. I'm so sorry."

"You're brainwashed if you think this will stop," she said. "It's only going to get worse. What happens when other people find out? Will you kill them, too?"

Thelma didn't say anything. She just looked away.

"I can't watch this," she said to Mansell.

"Why not? She's been a thorn in my side. It will be a relief to watch her die."

"You're a psychopath," Sara said. "You don't give a damn about anyone except yourself."

"That's not true," he said. "Thelma is blood. We have stuck together in everything."

"What about you?" Sara said to the officer. "Are you going to let this happen?"

"I don't want to, Whitfield," she said, "but they're right. It has to stay a secret. I'll stay quiet, but you won't."

"Because I have a concience. Unlike all of you. Thelma, you are better than this!"

"He's my brother!" She jumped. "He's the only family I have left."

"Just because he's blood doesn't make him family," Sara chided. "Family helps one another to be better, not to let them murder! That's what this is, and you're encouraging him! There will be more people, and more bodies will add to the pile. That blood will be on your hands, too. I can barely live with myself for getting one person killed. How many will it take before you put your foot down and tell him to stop?"

"She doesn't have a choice," Mansell said.

Thelma looked at him.

"Excuse me?"

He looked at her with a smug look on his face.

"As long as I am captain, you will do as I say. I have the final say on this ship."

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