Chapter 26

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Mark was startled when he heard the sound of shouting. He tried breaking out of the rope bindings, but they just dug into his skin more. Someone came running inside. Flashes of light illuminated Abigail's face. She was breathing heavily.

"What's going on?"

"Poachers," she said. "They're raiding us again."


She moved behind him and cut his binds. He rubbed his wrists.

"They're shooting fire," she said.


"Stop with the questions!"

There was an explosion.

"The hell?"

"Bombs," she said. "Damn it. They brought everything."

"Wait! Slow down. Who are the Poachers?"

"It's a rival tribe that lives outside of the valley. They terrorize us constantly, pushing us to accept their ways."

"What ways?"

She passed Mark a knife.


"Oh. That's nice."

"Get on your feet!"

Mark shot up. His training was kicking in with his adrenaline.

"We need all of the help we can against them. We barely survived last time. We lost countless fighters to them. We won't survive another attack without help."

Mark flipped the knife in his hands.

"I need my sword," he said. "My ring, too."

"This isn't the time to be worrying about jewelry!"

She ran outside before Mark could explain further. He threw open and looked out at the forest. He wasn't on the ground. They were in the trees. The huts were treehouses. Licks of fire coaxed heat from the distance, coating nearby bridges and huts. Mark could hear screams of women and children. He stared at the fire, imagining them trapped inside.

"I know," she said. "We can't help them. The fire is spreading fast. Can you fight?"

"I was supposed to be the next leader of Canis. I better know how. I need my wolves and my sword. Where's James?"

"Your friend is with your wolves. They are on the other side of the village."

Mark looked at the taunting flames.

"Of course they are."

"Come on," she pushed. "We have to go."

They ran over the shaky bridge. Mark wished he had time to marvel in the method of housing they had taken up, but the floor was literally falling out from underneath them. They rounded a connecting hut. He checked inside to make sure it was empty. They moved onto a second bridge. Embers floated onto the ropes and lit them.

"What is this shit made of, hay?" He shouted.

"Shut up and run!"

They made it across before the ropes snapped and broke. Mark looked back and panted.

"You're welcome," she said.

She took off.

Who is this girl? He thought. She was brave. He was heavily reminded of Sara, her wolf running by her in sync with her footsteps. He took off again.

"Sara, wherever you are, I hope you're doing better than I am," he said.

The next bridge shook when he tried to cross it, slipping and losing his footing. He scrambled back up and met Abigail at a burning hut.

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