07 | move on

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"i'm so scared to fall in love, but if it's you then i'll try"

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"i'm so scared to fall in love, but if it's you then i'll try"

"Hmm, this one is kind of tricky, what activity matches with that?"

"Matches with what?"

Y/n jumped at his sudden appearance, her phone clattered to the ground. He bent down and picked it up, glancing at the screen.

"Seven steps to get over trauma?"

He looked up at her and she chuckled nervously. He kept scrolling through them, checking off the ones they've done.

"You've been following a wikihow?"

She sighed, dejected, "I have been found out."

He handed her back the phone before turning back toward the kitchen and grabbing his jacket. He returned with his shoes in hand. Her head cocked to the side in confusion as to where he was going.

"What are you staring at? Let's go." He opened the door before turning back to her, "we're already 6/7 way through, might as well knock out the last one, huh?"

He left her there just staring where he once stood. What happened to her stoic, awkward Sho? Quickly blinking back into reality, she raced after him, locking the door behind her.

[ time skip ]

Looking around the field, she realized it was empty but the both of them. He lead her to a picnic blanket where a basket sat in the middle.

"How quickly did you plan this?"

He shrugged, "just a phone call."

She chuckled and took a seat before opening the basket wide. She gaped at the amount of food fit into a single container. Pulling out a slice of strawberry shortcake, she placed it on the plate and handed it to him.

When she looked up at him, she realized his eyes were on her. He quickly turned his head toward the basket and pulled out the two bowls of soba and removed the lids.

"You should get married to soba," she noted as he downed his bowl in a split second. He nodded, his mouth full. Grabbing a fork she tasted the cake and smiled.

They both slowly savored their respective dishes, and as he gazed desperately at the clouds, for a moment, she was almost jealous. Why was he always looking to the sky so intensely when he could look at her, right here beside him? Her eyes widened marginally as she shook the thought from her head. Where did that come from?

"What made you go to wikihow for help?"

Surprised by the sudden question, she pursed her lips together and huffed, "it's not my fault you were keeping things from me."

He nodded slowly before his eyes clouded, she noticed and leaned in toward him. His scent was strong, like sandalwood. She took a moment to breath in before noticing how weird that might have seemed.

However, he didn't notice. he was lost in his own overwhelming thoughts.

"You're doing it again," she said and poked him.

"Doing what again?"

"That thing when you're hiding something. You're good at keeping secrets, I can give you that. But not from me, not from the one person that knows you the most."

His smile dropped from his face as she managed to crack him open once again. "How do you always do that?"

"Best friends tell each other everything," she said, nodding.

In an instant, he grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her. Burying his face in her neck, his lips pressed against her neck sent shivers up her spine. "Everything?" his voice came out muffled and she stroked his hair and nodded.

"As long as you're comfortable."

His words ate at him in the back of his mind. Before he could filter them, they came pouring out of his mouth. "Y/n, I like you. And, I want to be with you."

He backed up and held her so they were face to face. Her (e/c) eyes looked up at him, suddenly aware of the little space between them. Her breath caught in her throat as suddenly everything was cast in a different light. The past few days was her attempt to help him, but had she unintentionally been hurting him? In that moment, he was vulnerable, she could read every one of his emotions displayed upon his face.

His gaze burned like fire and she clenched her eyes shut as she shakily pressed her hand to his chest in an attempt to salvage what little distance was left. However, his heart shattered as she tried to push away from him. Though it was true he did not understand the meaning of love due to his upbringing; the genuine happiness he felt around her, the excitement to see her, the comfort he felt in her arms, it was what he believed it to be.

She opened her eyes and everything around her was in a fog. The intense light that always shone in his bi-colored eyes was the only thing in focus, but suddenly the light seemed to dim. Her heart clenched as she realized, they have been bound together since the beginning. His casual touches and expression of love wouldn't have meant nothing until recently. She realized she was in love and it was always in front of her.

As he began to pullback slowly, her eyes widened. She threw her arms around his neck, and crashed her lips against his. Though he was an icy person, everything ice related melted away in a bliss as he lost himself. His hands tangled in her hair, electrifying her every move. He was enchanted by her presence, by her very existence. Seconds later they pulled apart, breathing heavily, as his hand cupped her cheek.

"No, like doesn't begin to describe it. I love you. I have for a while, and I refuse to stop."

Y/n closed her eyes. Love was a difficult thing in his life, she was afraid of giving in to the same love that caused him unbearable suffering and pain. But in that moment nothing mattered to her. Nothing but his lips on hers, nothing but her heart beating against his.

960 words

Sorry if the ending is a bit rough. But this chapter was a total joy to write. I think the story needed to end here. The intensity and pain of being in love with someone you've known so long, a single kiss can mean so many things.


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