3🔥Toxic and Manipulative Snake

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It had been a few days since you had last heard from TK. It seemed like he was ignoring your messages. Everything sent but he never read any of it. You didn't know what you had done and it hurt.
A person who was the closest to you had suddenly started ignoring you. It was the worst feeling that you had ever felt and you had no way to stop it, whatsoever. It was like he was turning into your dad. No one seemed to want you and you just had to learn to deal with it. Even your mum didn't want to go with you to help with your future.
It had been over a week since you last had received a message from TK when suddenly you got a notification in Instagram. It was someone who you didn't follow trying to message you. You looked at the profile and saw that TK was following them. They seemed to be a Policeman who also lived in Austin ,Texas. Opening the message you saw the worst words of your life.
Hi Thalia, you don't know me but I'm friends with your brother TK.
I only just remembered that you would be worried as your brother isn't responding to any of your messages and realised that no one would tell you.
He was shot over a week ago and has been in a coma since. All vital organs were missed and hopefully he makes a full recovery. He should be waking up soon. I'll update you when something happens,

It took you multiple reads of that message to take in what had happened. TK had been shot!
You couldn't believe that you had been so selfish to think that something was wrong with you. He had a dangerous job and something was bound to go wrong. It just didn't occur to you that it would go wrong so badly and it would happen to him.
You then realised that you had left Carlos' message on read for a few hours. You then quickly typed a thank you and then went off to try and sleep. You didn't get much but it seemed to help you think.
You decided that you would book a flight to go Austin in the half-term. You couldn't currently go and see him as you had college but as soon as you had the chance you would go. Besides half-term was only in a week.
You then went to find your mum and tell her what happened.
She was in the kitchen reading a book when you found her.
"Hey mum, TK's been shot"
She looked up with surprise and folded the corner of her page in the book so that she didn't get lost.
"Honey, I'm so sorry. Maybe you can send him a card."
"Actually I was thinking of going to Austin at half-term and visiting him."
At this her mouth dropped open and she didn't say anything for a few minutes.
"Absolutely not. You have your A-levels this year and you can't go on a holiday. Besides half-term is a time for family."
"But mum, TK is my family. I can study while I'm in Austin."
You could tell that she was starting to get annoyed, her cheeks now had a tint of red and her fists were clenching the book in her hands.
"I am your family, not TK. TK is just someone who broke the chance of you having a father. There's no chance of you going to Austin so that you can run off as well. Its bad enough that I let you message that horrible man."
You gaped in shock. She was stopping you from having more family.
"TK needs me! "
"No, you aren't going and that's it. I'm your mother and what I say goes."
That's when you ran off to your room and locked the door. You couldn't believe that she would do something like that. Couldn't she tell how close you and TK were.
He was your brother, he understood you even when you didn't. You just wanted to be there for him after all the times that he had been there for you. You wanted him to know how much you meant to him and how much you loved having him as a brother.
There's was no way that a Toxic and Manipulative snake would stop you from seeing him. You would run away and speak to your Dad if you had to. You were going to see TK even if it killed you. Hopefully it wouldn't kill you though.

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