12🔥Father and Daughter

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This Happens while Thalia is taking her phone call.
"Your sister seems really nice"
TK looks over the table to see Judd speaking to him.
"Yeah, she's great. I can't believe she came her to see me"
Judd nodded.
"So when was the last time you saw her?"
"Uh never actually. That's the first time that we've met. We've called and Facetimed so many times before though.
Judd nodded and they carried on with their conversation. After around 5 minutes Owen stood up and said that he was going to check on Thalia. TK offered to go instead but Owen wanted him to stay sat down. He had already done enough work today, with trying to save the drowning lady.
They carried on without Cap but then got slightly concerned when neither Cap or Thalia had returned. TK decided to go. He had just spotted them sitting down by a wall when he noticed that Owen was hugging her and comforting her like a Dad would. He decided to return instead of ruining their moment. He had prayed so many times that they would get along. Looked like it was working.
"That didn't take you long, where are the others?" Marjan asked as soon as TK entered the kitchen again.
"They're having a father and daughter bonding moment. I decided to leave them alone."
Carlos then came up behind TK and pulled him into a hug. They had talked about what they were today in the kitchen while Carlos was waiting for Thalia to come down.
"They've never really spoken before. Her mom fed her a load of lies about him and she only found out that they were lies the other day.
Everyone nodded before continuing to eat.
"I'm sorry if you planned to do something tonight but I thought you might want to meet your sister" Carlos had whispered in Tk's ear. He was referring to when TK was about to decline his Dad's idea of staying here to eat but Carlos had agreed before he could decline.
"No its completely fine. I'm really glad you did say yes."
Carlos smiled before giving him a kiss on his cheek and then walked off to his seat at the table. TK joined him after he thought about how perfect his life was right now. Well apart from the fact that he had been shot and almost died. It was truly perfect.

It was at that moment that Thalia and Owen walked in. They both had small smiles on their faces despite the fact that Thalia had small tear stains on her face. But thankfully everyone ignored the stains.

The shift had ended 15 minutes into dinner so people were slowly leaving. A few remained. Thalia thought that the people left were called Marjan, Judd, Paul and Mateo. However you couldn't 100% trust her on that. Obviously Carlos, TK and Owen were still there.

"So where are you staying Thalia?"

Thalia lifted her head from the table. She had started falling asleep. It had been long day and she was exhausted.

"Sorry, what was the question?"

She looked over to the person she thought was called Paul and he repeated the question.

"Oh uh Carlos offered to let me stay."

"Carlos knew you were going to come?"

She looked between TK and Carlos now.

"Uh yeah, I wanted his help to surprise you.  He actually picked me up from the airport."

TK looked surprised at this.

"So technically he met me before you or Owen did."

TK laughed at that.

"You know I was planning on coming to England actually but I never got the chance. "

Thalia nodded before putting her head back on the table as she let the conversation around her continue.

"Hey Thalia, I think it's time we head back to mine"

Thalia lifted her head again to Carlos speaking started speaking to her. She looked around and noticed that it was only Paul, Judd, TK , Carlos and Owen there. She must have dozed off.

"Um yeah, I just need to grab my stuff from Owen's office. Did the others leave?"

This time it was TK who replied.

"Yeah, you had fallen asleep and I didn't want to wake you. They said it was really nice meeting you and they hope that they can see you again before you leave to go back to England."

Thalia grimaced slightly at the mention of England but nodded and went to grab her stuff.

"What was up with her earlier?"

TK looked over to his Dad.

"Uh she technically ran away from her Mum to come here. Her mum didn't want her to come here. So when she found out, she said that either Thalia come back by tomorrow or she gets kicked out. She choose staying here."

TK gasps but before he can reply Thalia comes back into the kitchen with her stuff.

"You ready to go then Thalia?"

She nods and then hugs TK a goodbye. Carlos gives him a kiss on the cheek while Thalia gives a wave to Owen. She felt a bit embarrassed about what had happened earlier. 

"Uh I'll see you to tomorrow"

TK nods at Thalia's statement. Carlos and Thalia walk to Carlos' car and enters. Thankfully Thalia  manages to stay awake for the whole of the car ride. But as soon as they enter Carlos' house she collapses on her bed and falls straight asleep.

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