29🔥Rubbish Firefighter

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Gwyn and Thalia spoke a little more after the film finishes. Thalia realises that they're going to be in the same house for longer than expected so they might as well try and get along a bit better. Sure, they'll never act like a family but they could at least get along to make things easier for TK and Owen.
This lockdown was going to be hard enough already so if there was anyway that Thalia could make it easier then she was going to make it a whole of a lot easier. One thing that she was slightly worrying about though was uni next year. She didn't know if she would actually be able to go to Uni next year or if it was going to be online. She hadn't told her Dad this yet but if it was going to be online then she didn't want to go to Uni yet. She would wait until it was in person to go.


Thalia was at firehouse 126. Carlos had dropped her off as he was taking TK out for a date. She had needed to speak to her Dad about what was going to happen next year. So she headed up to her Dad's office, she knew that he wouldn't be there seeing as neither the fire engines or the ambulances were there. She would just wait for him to arrive though. He finished in just over an hour so hopefully he would take her home as well. She knew that she could've waited for him to arrive at home but she was slightly bored at being at that house and knew that she needed to get out of it. Plus she wanted to get this talk over and done with. Se wasn't too sure of how he would react but she would try anyway.

She had to wait around half an hour before she heard the fire trucks arrive back at the station and then she had to wait around 15mins before she even saw her Dad coming into his office.

"Hey Lia. What are you doing here?"

"Um I was thinking of maybe not going to Uni this year?"

"What do you mean?"

"Uni won't be the same this year and I want the whole experience. So I could maybe have a gap year and get a job or something. Then I could go to Uni next year when everything is a little more normal?"

"That's absolutely fine. Do you know what job you want to do?"

Thalia just shakes her head before speaking.
"I wasn't too sure that you were going to be happy with me doing it to be honest. So I didn't really think about it too much."

"No, I'm absolutely fine with you not going to uni. I would still be fine if you didn't go to Uni at all. As long as you find a job that you love then everything is fine."

"Oh thank God.
Thalia rushes in for a hug. Owen is slightly startled but he's started to get use to Thalia hugging him.

"We'll look at jobs later during the week. It will be harder to get a job now that we are going into a lockdown. But we'll find something for you to do."

"As long it isn't a firefighter, then that's okay."

"Hey! What's wrong with being a firefighter?"

"I don't think that Austin could handle three Strand's as firefighters. Also I would be a rubbish firefighter."
Owen just laughs at Thalia's statement. He is quite glad that she doesn't want to be a fire fighter. It is kind of a dangerous job to be in and he really doesn't want another member of his family in danger. TK almost died twice in less than a year and Owen himself had received the horrible news that he had cancer. He was treating the cancer but still it was scaring him slightly that he could die and leave his daughter and son alone. He didn't want that to happen.


You and Owen had been looking at jobs throughout the week however you hadn't found anything that you liked the look of. It was like the whole Uni thing again. Maybe if moved to yet another country she would find the perfect job. That had worked when she was trying to find a Uni that she wasn't even going to attend next year. She had decided that she would ask around the firehouse to see what others jobs they had all done before becoming a firefighter, Maybe they could help her pick a job.

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